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Polish keymap in cooking
  • GawronGawron December 2010
    Polish letters are gone again in cooking. In the stable version of SliTaz I have changed /etc/X11/xorg.conf InputDevice "XkbLayout" "pl2" to "pl" and everything worked perfect even without slitaz-i18n and glibc-locale. Now this does not help at all. glibc-locale and slitaz-i18n are already installed on my system. Locale and keyboard changed with tazlocale and tazkeymap. Seems that new xorg ignores XkbLayout. I have made
    for hald exactly like in this handbook only with polish keyboard model and layout, but it gives nothing.
    Changing in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi
    input.xkb.layout to pl
    input.xkb.model to pc105
    gives nothing too
    The only one working method is a terminal command:
    setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout pl
    but it does not affect xterm and it is not possible to start it before xserver with
    Any help appreciated.
    Best regards.
  • erniaernia December 2010
    did you look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-* ?
    do you have xorg-xf86-input-evdev installed?
  • GawronGawron December 2010
    Thank you ernia for your help. xorg-xf86-input-evdev was installed. I looked at /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-Keyboard.conf and changed XkbLayout to pl. There are now polish letters in leafpad, but still not in xterm. It's better then setxkbmap command anyway. Changing XkbLayout to pl2 freezes the system.
  • erniaernia December 2010
    you talk about "polish letters in leafpad, but still not in xterm".
    could not it be an issue with xterm fonts?
    they are set in ~/.Xdefaults, you could verify if something change using the same fonts that leafpad uses.
  • GawronGawron December 2010
    Thanks for the idea with fonts. Changed to Monospace Regular, but it does not helped. The default DejaVu Sans Mono has all polish letters in stable. Still missing fonts in xterm.
  • GawronGawron December 2010
    Thanks ernia your tips helped me to discover the problem. Xorg has changed recently it uses evdev to detect hardware. In 3.0 evdev was not installed by default. Now uninstalling evdev freezes system. On arch wiki is a very good documentation on evev with examples for changing keyboard layout. In short you have to comment out the definitions of keyboard in xorg.conf and add one in section "InputClass" of 40-evdev.conf

    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "evdev keyboard catchall"
    MatchIsKeyboard "on"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
    Driver "evdev"

    # Keyboard layouts
    Option "XkbLayout" "pl"
    Option "XkbVariant" "qwerty"
    Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"

    But qwerty variant of pl keyboard is unavailable on SliTaz, changing to this variant freezes the system. Without XkbVarriant are no polish letters on terminal. Seems that polish keyboard will be unavailable on terminal on next version of SliTaz. This makes impossible operations on files with polish names on terminal. Because I really like SliTaz, would like to change this, but have no more ideas. Dumping a keymap from debian gives nothing. Changing hal configuration makes no sense from xorg 1.8, as it uses evdev to detect hardware. What else can I try?
  • erniaernia December 2010
    i would start from here: /usr/share/X11/xkb/*
    i can't help you more than this, it's a mistery to me, i casually encountered this dir while fiddling with an egalax touchscreen ...
  • GawronGawron December 2010
    Thanks ernia for taking your time to help me.
    I will try to learn more about keymaps and report about any progress. At the moment all current keyboard key definitions for Polish diacritic characters generatet with altGr and corresponding non-accented letter read from xmodmap -pke | grep acute seems to be diffrent from Debian. Maybe that this double description has no meaning.
    xmodmap -pke | grep acute
    keycode  32 = o O oacute Oacute oacute Oacute
    keycode 39 = s S sacute Sacute sacute Sacute
    keycode 47 = semicolon colon dead_acute dead_doubleacute dead_acute dead_doubleacute
    keycode 53 = x X zacute Zacute zacute Zacute
    keycode 54 = c C cacute Cacute cacute Cacute
    keycode 57 = n N nacute Nacute nacute Nacute

    keycode  32 = o O oacute Oacute 
    keycode 39 = s S sacute Sacute
    keycode 47 = semicolon colon dead_acute dead_doubleacute dead_acute dead_doubleacute
    keycode 53 = x X zacute Zacute
    keycode 54 = c C cacute Cacute
    keycode 57 = n N nacute Nacute

    Anyway i have found a potentially source of this problem. Xterm don't runs in utf-8 mode
    I run xterm -u8 got an error
    locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
    but Polish letters appeared on xterm. Have to change system setting now to make xterm start in utf-8, but don't know how.
    Hope that someone else can chime in, cause for me it may be a long way to solve this problem.
  • GawronGawron December 2010
    Error message explains everything polish locale is not supported by Xlib, xterm runs in C locales charmap, that is ISO8859-1. The system locales charmap is correctly set to utf
    $ locale charmap

    Somebody knows more about Xlib, and how to change it to enable support for polish locale?
  • GawronGawron December 2010
    There are two simple solutions, that make possible Unicode support in xterm, without typing xterm -u8 in console.
    1. Changing desktop file to uxterm
    # nano /usr/share/applications/xterm.desktop
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=XTerm Terminal
    Name[fr]=Terminal Xterm
    Exec=uxterm -ls

    This setting will work on next login.
    or method
    2. Changing xterm encoding to utf-8
    $ nano .Xdefaults
    add a line at he end of XTerm settings
    ! unicode initially on
    xterm*utf8: 1

    Surely this don’t solves the problem, but makes things a little better.

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