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how to search for packages from command line
  • DigitDigit August 2010
    i had a look in the handbook,

    is there a command to search for a specific package from the repository?

    i thought it might be something like
    tazpkg list gimp
    (for example to search to see if gimp is available in the repository)

    ... but then... list is just for installed packages. :/

    ??? confused.
  • seawolfseawolf August 2010
    Hi @Digit --

    I think you were after:
    tazpkg search gimp

    as it searches for the word "gimp" in all package names.

    It may also be worth knowing that:

    tazpkg search gimp -i

    does just the installed packages;

    tazpkg search gimp -l

    does just the available packages;

    tazpkg search gimp -m

    gives more information;

    tazpkg search-pkgname gimp

    finds the package name of the file given.

    There is a web interface that you may find more useful:

    I'll be sure to update that docs page with more information; I had no idea it was lacking so!

    Thanks & HIH.

    (BTW< I got this from: -- the TazPkg source code)
  • TotoetsasoeurTotoetsasoeur August 2010
    Hi Digit,
    Another really nice document explaining differences between tazpkg list and tazpkg search can be found here:

    However, it does not go into details as deep as Seawolf's explanation goes. Thanks Seawolf for this.


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