I would like to know which are the packages that create the file system as we can see in /.. When I want to create a Chroot environment, it download rootfs-base which is, I presume, Slitaz-base . Is there anything smaller ?
I want to create the smallest chroot folder with only mplayer in it (and only the dependencies I haven't already on my Slitaz 3) and thus. link it with a tazpkg link.
The aim is to create a sort of portable Mplayer for Slitaz 3 with auto-launch scripts
Actualy, I don't need to boot on it . (so don't need boot scripts)
I just need to have filesytem (especially folders used tu receipt a package installation) + mplayer package + the dependencies needed to have mplayer working - the dependencies already installed on my basic Slitaz 3
So, chroot allows me to create a file system in home/slitaz/cooking/chroot, I can install packages on it, I can even switch down auto-install dependencies (thanks to tazpkg conf) .
But, how can I configure it to set a tiny slitaz.fs filesystem rather than the default one ?