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Creating default user, configuring root password during USB install
  • ms3811ms3811 June 2010
    If I remember correctly, when installing from a LiveUSB, the install script provided the following options:

    - specify default user (in place of tux) as well its password
    - configure target for /home with the option to format it
    - change root password

    These options don't seem to show up anymore. Now whenever I run the install it only asks the target location for installing the OS and that's it. None of the above options are presented. The install completes with the default user "tux" with the default passwords for root and tux and configures /home in the same partition as the target for the install.

    Any ideas what's going on? Has the install script changed?
  • ms3811ms3811 June 2010
    I guess this is the default behavior for the cooking version? The stable version provides the above options during install.
  • ms3811ms3811 June 2010
    I guess this is the default behavior for the cooking version? The stable version provides the above options during install.
  • X_WindowsX_Windows June 2010
    I believe that is because it installs off RAM. Perhaps setting up a user before creating a live update?

    What I did was create a micro partition on my HD and install SliTaz to it, configure it to my liking then burn a live usb. If you have a partition to spare you may want to try that.
  • ms3811ms3811 June 2010
    Good idea, I'll give that a shot. Thanks.

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