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how can i submit xboard.tazpkg ?
  • monzmonz April 2010
    I know that for chess lovers, SliTaz provides eboard.tazpkg, which is a very nice gui for playing gnuchess. But on some of my older machines, xboard works much better. It's not as slick as eboard, but is more lightweight and much faster.

    I used tazpkg convert to convert a Debian xboard.deb package to the SliTaz format. But now when i want to install it on various of my other machines, i have to hunt for it and copy it over from a machine which has it, and i find myself wishing that it was on a SliTaz mirror. How can i submit it?
  • jozeejozee April 2010
    Slitaz mirrors supports only native source compiled packages.
    Sorry, but we can't host converted packages. We have gnuchess.
    So, this should be easy to compile.

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