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[SOLVED] main menu "Preferences|Desktop Wallpaper" broken
  • monzmonz April 2010
    Something i updated caused the "Desktop Wallpaper" section of the "Preferences" menu on the main menu (the red button) to stop working.

    I can still invoke the command manually from the command-line with this:

    $ pcmanfm --show-pref=3

    and it works as it should, opening the dialog window and allowing me to change the wallpaper, and correctly changing it when i click the "Close" button.

    But when i try to to use the menu to do this, a xterm window opens instead of the Dialog, with this message:

    xterm: Can't execvp -e: No such file or directory

    Any ideas how to fix it?
  • slicelslicel April 2010
    Desktop files have a true/false option that you should switch.

    See my recent post on desktop files.

    If you mean a slitaz update caused the problem, it sounds like a regression of a bug that I and another user documented on the old forum.
  • monzmonz April 2010
    hi slicel ... thanks, actually i read that post just before i wrote mine, and that's how i finally figured out that the pcmanfm --show-pref=3 command might work. But i don't see anything in the /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm-pref.desktop file which looked like it needed to be changed. Here is my version of that file, let me know if i need to fix something:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Desktop Wallpaper
    Name[fr]=Fond d'écran
    Exec=pcmanfm --show-pref=3

    (the Chinese characters are not showing on my system).

  • slicelslicel April 2010
    Yes, mine says "Terminal=false" and works.
  • monzmonz May 2010
    That fixed it for me. Thanks!

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