I downloaded evince package from the Debian repos, and converted and it installed successfully. But trying to run it resulted in a bunch of missing libraries, each of which I then proceeded to download from the Debian repos, convert and install (horribly painful task). Now it seemingly works fine, but every so often there is a pdf file that it fails to open, whereas epdfview will open the same file fine. Not sure if this is an issue with evince or my installation method of it.
Also, download evince-xxx.tazpkg from the packages database and installing it results in the same issue, i.e. bunch of missing libraries.
In SliTaz 3.0 evince installs and works without problems, but sometimes I can't install a program with tazpkg get-install. Changing installer to tazpkgbox helps in such situations. Hope this helps. Best regards.
Didn't think tazpkgbox did anything different that simply call tazpkg get-install in a terminal window. In any case, I tried that and this is the error in /var/log/tazpkg-installer.log:
Unable to find: evince in the mirrored packages list.
Unable to find: get-evince in the mirrored packages list.
yes: Broken pipe
Funny thing is, when you search for the package using Package Manager, you can see evince in the list.
Sorry for offtopic, but evince is not alone in this trouble. At least nvidia package shown in Cooking list, but package is missing on mirror. Also, you can find package on pkgs.slhtaz.org, but some packages haven't download links and are really missing on mirror.
Interesting, are developers/packagers know about this?
That don't solves your problem, but as temporally solution you can try foxit reader. The script get-foxit-reader downloads sources from foxit site. Foxit has all features present in evince continuous view etc and is very lightweight application. Evince is missing in the repos, but get-foxit script not.