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Black Screen after turning computer off at power button. Never seen this before in my life.
  • DKruytDKruyt November 2010
    Hello all, I am in need of some serious help, and I think that this may need a complete re-install of SliTaz. I turned my computer off with the power button after getting stuck in a copy/paste thing from Midori. It happens pretty often to me but the side-effects are new. When I booted it again and logged on, I can no longer see anything other than the mouse-pointer. If i try to open a program via the right-click menu, it does not open. Any idea what this might be?
  • mojomojo November 2010
    If this is a frugal install it would be caused by a corrupted file in tux home folder since rootfs runs in memory.
    Is the desktop broken when you login with slim as root instead of tux ?
    Start troubleshooting by opening a virtual terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F2)
    Login as root, pw: root
    root@slitaz: tazpkg check

    Hold down Shift key while using Page Up/Down key to scroll
    Look for Files Lost errors from open box , pcmanfm
     tazpkg get-install  --forced 

    You can reboot or shutdown from virtual terminal with reboot or poweroff commands.

    Instead of doing hard powerbutton shutdown's which are corrupting the filesystem
    kill the Xserver with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
    Now as root either restart slim display manager with slim command or use poweroff or reboot commands in console.

    If this doesn't solve the problem reply back with more details on your installation.

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