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musescore needs an update
  • monzmonz August 2010

    MuseScore is a great open-source music notation application. Someone made a tazpkg of it for SliTaz two years ago, but it has not been updated for a long time -- SliTaz is still using version 0.9.4. The latest version is, and it has some great new features. Would someone please make a tazpkg of this latest version and upload it to the SliTaz mirrors? Thanks.
  • monzmonz October 2010
    The latest MuseScore now is ... i suppose i will have to compile it myself?
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za October 2010
    Well, you could try downloading the ubuntu packages here:

    then coverting them over with tazpkg convert (you don't have to su to root to do this) and then tazpkg install every one of them after they've been converted to .tazpkg'es
  • monzmonz October 2010
    OK, thanks. I tried doing exactly what you said, converting all of the Ubuntu packages and doing tazpkg install for all of them. I was not sure if it matters what order i install the tazpkgs. Anyway, after installing all of them i ran the mscore command and got this error:

    $ mscore
    $ /usr/bin/mscore: line 4: pgrep: not found
    $ /usr/bin/mscore.real: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/mscore.real: undefined symbol: _ZN11QVectorData8allocateEii

    No idea what that means. Any help?
  • deadwaitdeadwait October 2010
    i had added musescore a long time back, based on someone else's request,
    if you know how to build a package based on the receipts then i think you could just change the version number in the receipts to the latest version and it should build.
    simple method without downloading the entire wok should work like this,
    if you have mscore already installed, then you will find the receipt in /var/lib/tazpkg/installed/mscore/receipt
    copy this receipt to /home/slitaz/wok/mscore/receipt
    ( make the dir's if they dont exist) , then edit the receipt and change the version number to the new one, save and close.
    then if you run the command tazwok cook mscore, mscore with the new version shoud be built. to install it you can tazpkg install /home/slitaz/packages/mscore-x.x.x.tazpkg
    hope this helps.
    ill be back on slitaz by mid-november, if you havent done it till then ill do it.
    got to check on a lot of my neglected receipts.
  • erniaernia October 2010
    mscore requires qt >= 4.6.0. i think it's not trivial to port it to 3.0, you will probably need to upgrade to cooking.
  • monzmonz November 2010
    hi deadwait and ernia ... i tried what both of you said, in a qemu virtual machine: upgraded a perfectly working slitaz 3 stable vm to cooking, then did # tazpkg upgrade, installed mscore and qt, and ran #tazwok cook mscore ... it failed to compile, and gave me this at the screen:

    [ root@slitaz-cooking_qemu:/home/slitaz/wok/mscore ]
    # tazwok cook mscore
    Creating the packages repository...
    Checking for build dependencies...

    Starting to cook mscore...
    Checking for source tarball...
    Source tarball exit... [ OK ]
    Untaring mscore- [ OK ]
    rm -rf build
    rm -rf win32build win32install
    if test ! -d build; \
    then \
    mkdir build; \
    cd build; \
    ../mscore; \
    make lrelease; \
    make -j `grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo`; \
    else \
    echo "build directory does already exist, please remove first with 'make clean'"; \
    -- The C compiler identification is GNU
    -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
    -- Found Doxygen: /usr/bin/doxygen
    found Doxygen
    -- latex command LATEX_COMPILER not found but usually required. You will probably get warnings and user inetraction on doxy run.
    -- makeindex command MAKEINDEX_COMPILER not found but usually required.
    -- dvips command DVIPS_CONVERTER not found but usually required.
    -- configured /home/slitaz/wok/mscore/mscore- --> /home/slitaz/wok/mscore/mscore-
    -- Looking for Q_WS_X11
    -- Looking for Q_WS_X11 - found
    -- Looking for Q_WS_WIN
    -- Looking for Q_WS_WIN - not found.
    -- Looking for Q_WS_QWS
    -- Looking for Q_WS_QWS - not found.
    -- Looking for Q_WS_MAC
    -- Looking for Q_WS_MAC - not found.
    -- Found Qt-Version 4.7.0 (using /usr/bin/qmake)
    Qt lib found at /usr/lib
    Qt QTSCRIPTTOOLS library not found.
    CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:145 (message):
    Fatal error: ALSA >= 1.0.0 required

    -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/slitaz/wok/mscore/mscore-'
    make[1]: *** No rule to make target `lrelease'. Stop.
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/slitaz/wok/mscore/mscore-'
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/slitaz/wok/mscore/mscore-'
    make[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/slitaz/wok/mscore/mscore-'
    make: *** [release] Error 2
    Compilation failed. Please read the compiler output.

    [ root@slitaz-cooking_qemu:/home/slitaz/wok/mscore ]

    And the comment about ALSA seems strange, because the system shows me this:

    [ root@slitaz-cooking_qemu:/home/slitaz/wok/mscore ]
    # tazpkg search alsa

    Search result for: alsa

    Installed packages
    alsa-lib 1.0.23 multimedia
    alsa-lib-dev 1.0.23 development
    alsa-plugins 1.0.23 multimedia
    alsa-utils 1.0.23 multimedia
    alsaplayer 0.99.80 multimedia
    5 installed package(s) found for : alsa

    Any further help?
  • erniaernia November 2010
    if you are willing to migrate to cooking to have mscore i will try to cook it for you in the next days.
    if you want to go on and experience yourself with tazwok there must be a missing dependency in the pkg-config package, unless you don't have it installed. this should be the cause of the alsa error.
    if you don't want to debug pkg-config's missing dependency you can just install slitaz-dev-pkgs and try again. if the error persist maybe the receipt lacks alsa-lib-dev or alsaplayer-dev.
    building in qemu is not so handy, you better install slitaz-dev-tools and build packages in a tazdev cooking chroot.
    when you are done with the build then you can test your packages in a livecd environment before to switch to cooking with your whole system.
  • monzmonz November 2010
    I installed slitaz-dev-pkgs and tried to compile again, and still had errors and no executable.

    I am really happy with SliTaz 3.0 stable and don't want to switch my main systems back to cooking. Maybe i will change one of my smaller laptops to cooking and try there. At this point, if you can make a tazpkg of musescore within the next couple of weeks i'll just wait for it. Thanks.
  • erniaernia November 2010
    i will do, i'm having some unexpected troubles with real life, please be patient
  • monzmonz November 2010
    sure, no problem ... i send my best wishes for the real life stuff, i know how that is.
  • monzmonz November 2010
    hi ernia ... just thought i'd ask again since it's been a couple of weeks ... any progress on a musescore tazpkg ?
  • erniaernia November 2010
    i did not have time until now, and now i'm in a hurry, i must go to assist an uncle so probably i must leave before the package ends to build.
    the error
    Qt QTSCRIPTTOOLS library not found
    seems to be the more problematic cause of all the troubles, i think that
    root@cooking:~# ls -la /usr/lib/*
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Nov 28 14:24 /usr/lib/ ->
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Nov 28 14:24 /usr/lib/ ->
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Nov 28 14:24 /usr/lib/ ->
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 741136 Nov 28 14:18 /usr/lib/
    should be provided from Qt4-dev but this does non happen in cooking (will open a topic when i'll have more time).
    i've compiled qt and uploaded the missing files here:
    extract the files in
    to get the program to build until they are included in some qt package. i don't know if these files are required to run the program too, being in a hurry i'm not building in a chroot but in a fresh installed && upgraded cooking .
    this is my receipt:
    i'm at 54% of build now and i must go, try to build yourself or wait until this night to try my package.
    sorry about my english but i'm really in a hurry.
  • erniaernia November 2010
    sorry, it failed at 63%, i'll investigate when i'll back home (if i can)
  • monzmonz November 2010
    hi ernia ... thanks for trying ... no problem for me to keep waiting until your finished package is ready.

    in the interim, i have discovered that even the old MuseScore 0.9.4 which is currently provided by SliTaz has possibilities to be customized which i didn't know about before, and so the things which were most inconvenient for me have been solved ... with the exception that i still need the version to do the microtonal plugin, which in fact is the most important thing for me.
  • erniaernia November 2010
    i think it's out of my reach, i will keep trying but i can't go over the 63% errror, i can't find the reason of the error.
    i don't know if i can get to complete the build, sorry
  • monzmonz December 2010
    bummer ... thanks anyway, for trying ... is there any way to get anyone else on the slitaz team involved in updating this package?

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