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Optimizing a Thinkpad 770
  • KristianKristian October 2010
    Hi all,
    I'm trying to see how much I can get out of this baby:

    So far I have the loram cooking version of Slitaz installed and I must say I'm rather impressed :)

    At the moment, I'm looking to do these things, among others:

    Shorten boot time
    Here's my boot.log :
    ... and my dmesg.log:
    Suggestions to things that could speed up the process/the whole system welcome!

    Have all my memory recognized
    Can't seem to make the box do it. I have two 128MB sticks, but they're PC133, not PC66 like the slots seem to want. I've tried various boot flags, but they don't seem to make a difference. Does anybody have an idea (or some PC66 128MB sticks lying around)?


  • SlylockSlylock November 2010
    I have this that you can have for whatever it costs to ship it to you. It was sent to me by mistake from a guy on ebay,and he didn't want to bother having me shipit back:

    - 64MB PC66 144-pin SODIMM SDRAM Memory Module
    - MH8S64BBKD-10L
    Mitsubishi MH8S64BBKD-10L SD RAM 66MHz
  • KristianKristian November 2010
    That's very kind of you but I already have 2 x 64 MB sticks in it :)

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