Due to a long term health problem I have some time on my hands and have an old laptop (Pen II 300mhz, 197mb ram, WiFi via pcmcia and a 4gb HDD). I decided to play around with Linux on it and I fould Slitaz by far the best 'live' distro and have it installed on the HD now. I have trawled the forum but cannot find the answers to these few questions. 1. VLC player will play video in double size screen but crashes on full screen. Can I do anything to help. (The laptop played vid fine on Xp but took 20 minutes to boot). 2. Where in the file system can I find the default Slitaz wallpaper image as I changed it and prefer it as it was(stable not cooking). 3. Is there a trash can or are deleted items gone. 3. How do I uninstall anything I have installed, all via the package manager. 4. Finally I notice many distros have a small partition 'swap' but Slitaz does not. Is there any advantage/disadvantage for this. With my low ram sould I /could I have one. Sorry to ask what must seem like basic questions but I am totally new to Linux and trying to get to grips with it. Many congratulations to the Slitaz team as it detected the wireless and sound etc which almost all of the larger packages failed to do. Thanks in anticipation of your help.
- wallpaper: the default wallpaper I believe is /usr/share/slitaz-background.png. - trash: I don't believe slitaz has a trash. - uninstalling: load Package Manager, in the list scroll down to the package you wish to uninstall (a green arrow on the icon indicates it is currently installed), double-click on it, click Remove in the dialog that pops up. - swap: Read http://forum.slitaz.org/index.php/discussion/comment/6843/. If you system appears to be working fine without a swap, then you probably don't need it. I recently setup slitaz on an old celeron with 256mb RAM without swap and it worked fine. If you notice sluggish performance, you could try adding a swap partition and see it that helps.
"close" does not mean you cannot access to the comments, which you apparently have not done. Really, swap is here in case you need more memory than what you have, or if you want to hibernate your system (which slitaz does not support out of the box). Monitor your ram usage (eg use htop) and you will know. Another way is to check your processes (ie, applications) get killed when you try to start something new: this is a sure sign you are running out of memory.
I would put some swap with anything less than 512 Mb (but i hate to have my work killed without notice :( )
I used to be a big fan of VLC, but have hit problems here and there with it with different systems in the last year, and found that frustrating.