Using SliTaz through VBox on a Macbook - love it! Two questions:
I have an iMac (PowerPC, G3 400mhz 192mb RAM) and would like to use Slitaz on a bootable USB Flash drive on it.
I also have an Atom powered windows 7 netbook and would like to do the same on that.
My questions: firstly, is this possible (more so for the PowerPC machine) and secondly - are there any recommended guides on how to do this that people could suggest?
As, said in the bottom of the doc, you can install Slitaz on a USB from the Installer in Menu, just add "rootdelay=10" in your Grub/Menu.list
Unfortunately, powerpc architecture is not supported
NB : As I always say, the best thing to do is
to Start Slitaz in Live, Make your best configuration, then make an ISO from your current system (writeiso) (don't forget to clean the cache of Internet and the downloaded packages in /var/cache/tazpkg ). Extract from it the rootfs.gz Install it, in frugal mode (to run Slitaz fully in RAM !)