I wish to know if it's possible to implement apt-get in Slitaz, using, for example, the Debian or Ubuntu repository. I ask this because, unfortunately, the repository of Slitaz has some issues, for example: - The java jre don't work; - The dpkg don't work.
My major problem at this point is how to: 1 - install a new kernel (I am trying to make Slitaz work in a Ebox3300 and It doesn't have suport for the wireless Via VT6655 card); 2 - I need to instal the jre package (the one in repository doesn't work - this is why I though about havint Slitaz working with an alternative repository).
Sun java6-jre installer is working. Install the get script
root@slitaz: tazpkg get-install get-java6-jre
Run the get script to download,make tazpkg,install tazpkg,delete tazpkg
root@slitaz: get-java6-jre
By default the get-script deletes the tazpkg after the install. Don't want to download java again,my internet has download cap. Repack the tazpkg to install java on my other computer running slitaz.
Ok, I will test it. Last time I used the package manager, it wasn't working (last week). And what about the kernel with the support for the Via vt6655? I can compile the kernel, but how can I install it? Thank you for your help.
The make commands include 'make install' after you create the kernel 'bzImage' to copy it your /boot directory. You'll have to include in the GRUB menu manually. Likewise there exists a make modules_install command to copy the modules over to /usr/include.
I instaled the java jre and it worked using the script you indicated. I also tried to install the kernel sources and compile it, but am getting an error. I did this (as in the doc you mention before): #tazpkg get-install slitaz-toolchain #tazpkg get-install ncurses-dev #tazpkg get-install perl #tazpkg get-install linux-source
At this point I got an error: #gcc: /lib/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by gcc) So, I did: #tazpkg get-install libc The system installed the glibc.2.11 but, when I try agaun to compile the kernel, I get the same answer: #gcc: /lib/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.11' not found (required by gcc)
So, I tried to make: #tazpkg get-install libc --forced and got: Unable to find: glib_c2.11 in the mirrored package list.
Ok. Are you the main responsable for Slitaz? If so, I wish to know if you are interested in having a mirror for Slitaz. If yes, send me a private message.
I instaled the glibc base and dev. I downloaded the config file you indicated (the stable one), but the file is not a .config but an html page, in which there is the config listing. Is there any place where to find the .config file?