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enable dhcp on all lan cards
  • tikbalangtikbalang October 2009
    Hi tikbalang

    Have tried editing /etc/network.conf

    # Set default interface.
  • tikbalangtikbalang October 2009
    slitaz seems to enable dhcp on eth0 only. my internet is on eth1. i want dhcp on all cards found on the system, since i plan to use slitaz as a portable OS. how do i do this?
  • tikbalangtikbalang October 2009
    so i do this for all four?

  • seawolfseawolf October 2009
    Could you write a script to loop through them?
  • tikbalangtikbalang October 2009
    i don't know how to write scripts.
  • sporkspork October 2009
    You can run this (without editing /etc/network.conf):

    #! /bin/sh
    # Start udhcpc for eth0, eth1, eth2, and eth3 and run in the background
    udhcpc -b eth0
    udhcpc -b eth1
    udhcpc -b eth2
    udhcpc -b eth3

    Save that in a file, and run it as:

    <name of script>.sh &

    It will start DHCP on eth0, eth1, eth2, and eth3. Mind you, it does add overhead!
  • seawolfseawolf October 2009
    You might need to 'chmod +x <filename>.sh' to get it to run. Also, could you perhaps use google to learn the basics of scripts? It may help you to solve other little problems you may come across. I've found it rather useful.

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