first 5 floppies for base goes in fine, than it tries to install and does NOT ask for floppy6, but tries to install by asking language, keyboard layout etc...
The base flavor will then start and you will be prompted to insert extra floppies for justx and core flavors. You can bypass this by using Q and Enter.
The instructions are not clear to me but you have a 50-50 chance, follow base prompts or use Q.
I have read and tried again, but the 5th floppy toward end, it goes thru and ask for keyboard, language etc... without stopping and it ends with a login prompt. There is no notice to continue next floppy at all, just ends in login. Is there a fix for this?
when I login as "root" p/w "root", I get the proper root prompt, and get and error when I try startx, like "no window manager" loaded or something to that effect...
There is no prompt to use Q etc, since the computer is waiting for user id. Before the 5th floppy finishes, the computer goes into login prompt.
The justx flavor (floppies 100 to 105 or 6 to 11) is loaded if you have 96M RAM or more. The core flavor (floppies 200 to 210 or 12 to 22) is loaded if you have 160M RAM or more. The 'startx' command is in justx flavor.
How many RAM have you got ?
Note: you can build floppies from loram iso with bootfloppybox to a full feature SliTaz on only 64M of RAM.
You have detected a bug in RAM size counting... Would you mind to test the loram version of the floppy set : You should be able boot any of base, justx and core flavors.