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Midori crashes when some websites are on the last tab
  • monzmonz April 2010
    I'm trying to use Midori for more and more of my web browsing. I was having a problem on some webpages where Midori would just completely crash and hang. I just now found a kludgy workaround: the problem seems to occur only when the webpage is on the last (right-most) tab. So as long as there is another tab after it, even if it's only a blank "Speed dial" tab, the websites with this problem will work.

    So far, the two biggest offender websites have been the Yahoo mail sign-on page, and unfortunately this forum, usually when i'm almost finished typing a post. Because Midori just totally crashes, i have no way to retrieve the post and have to type it all in again from the beginning.
  • Hi,
    When I write post, I often click the Save Draft button. So, even in case of crash, I can retrieve post from last save using Discussions => my draft .
  • monzmonz April 2010
    Thanks, Stephane ... but of course, that only works if you click "Save Draft" before Midori crashes! ;-)
  • monzmonz May 2010
    I should add that this problem only seems to happen when i have 5 tabs open, and the webpage which causes the crash is on the 5th tab. If i never open more than 4 tabs, Midori seems to be ok.
  • monzmonz May 2010
    update ... i'm now using Midori with many tabs open (maybe 10 or so), and when i have a problem with a login page not finishing, all i have to do is click a different tab and then the login page finishes opening, then i can click back to that tab and all is ok.

    so this is not much of a problem ... but still, there is a bug here somewhere.

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