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aplaymidi problem
  • justineurojustineuro April 2010
    aplaymidi inpufile.mid
    ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_hw_seq_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory
    Cannot open sequencer - No such file or directory

    Would someone know cause/remedy to this error/problem? Thanks much in advance for your help.
  • erniaernia April 2010
    modprobe snd-seq-midi-event

    if it works put it in your modules section in /etc/rcS.conf
  • justineurojustineuro April 2010
    hi ernia!
    it's nearly working, yet not quite. after the issuing the command:
    "aplaymidi filename.mid"
    i now get the message:
    "Please specify one port with --port."
    i issued the command
    "aplaymidi -l"
    and got an empty list of ports available. any suggestions? thanks again!
  • erniaernia April 2010
    maybe i gave you a bad advice.
    do you have hardware midi support in you soundcard? if yes which model is it?
  • justineurojustineuro April 2010
    hi ernia,
    info on sound card (aside from modem) from alsamixer is:
    0 [I82801DBICH4 ]: ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH4
    Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with ALC202 at irq 17
    is empty.
    i hope this info helps.
  • erniaernia April 2010
    i think you need timidity to play midi files.
    i'm fiddling about tazarch and tazwok to build a frozen bubble package, if i manage to get it i'll try to build timidity
  • justineurojustineuro April 2010
    hi ernia,
    am looking forward to that pkg. had no luck until now to make 'aplaymidi' work. thanks for looking into this.
  • erniaernia April 2010
    hi, i'm in a hurry and i have no time to try to keep things clean or tiny or to test all program functions.
    you can dowload timidity-freepats tazpkg (instruments file) from here
    and timidity tazpkg from here:
    it should work out of the box typing "timidity nameofmidifile" and it should work as a midi port too.
    i will not reconnect until saturday, so if you have troubles please be patient
  • hi ernia,
    i have downloaded the 2 files and have installed them. no problem with those. however, 'timidity -h' now gives the error message:
    'timidity: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'
    i have yet to look for this missing lib file. here's hoping that that's the only file needed for timidity to work. any suggestion for a good download site? again, thanks!
  • erniaernia May 2010
    this is a method to track missing dependencies:
    tux@slitaz:~$ tazpkg search-pkgname

    Search result for file :

    1 pkg(s) found with file :

    so you must install esound
    the receipt should have esound as a dependencie but i forgot about it, i told you that i've made it in a hurry, sorry about that
    if you find more missing dependency let me know, thanks
  • hi ernia,
    'timidity' works! thanks a lot! two packages (esound and libaudiofile) were additionally installed for 'timidity file.ext' to work well. all told, the packages installed were: 1) audiofile, 2) esound, 3) flac, 4) jack-audio-connection-kit, 5) libao, 6) libsndfile, 7) timidity__ , and 8) timidity-freepats (the last two, out of your gratefulness, of course!).
    'aplaymidi' is still problematic but timidity is more than enough. thanks again!
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