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Extracting .rar files in Slitaz 3.0
  • severinseverin April 2010
    I installed slitaz 3.0 from an usb stick to my hdd.
    After i downloaded some music (in .rar) i cant extract it.
    I downloaded .rar and p7zip but if i want to open my .rar archive with one of the two (after installed,started from the /usr/bin folder) nothing happens.....
    Can someone tell my how i can open .rar archives in slitaz???

    PS:How can i change the display resolution in slitaz?
  • monzmonz April 2010
    Open the terminal (xterm) and use this command (don't type the dollar-sign, that's just your prompt):

    $ unrar [filename].rar

    For screen resolution, you need to become "superuser" (if you didn't change the password, it's "root"):

    $ su tazx
  • severinseverin April 2010
    thanks i was able to change the res,
    but i cant unpack my archive?
    i tried:
    cd /home/......
    unrar 123.rar

    then i tried
    unrar /home/...... 123.rar

    and then it just shows me the help shell with all commands
    that dont worked?!
  • erniaernia April 2010
    you are using unrar without a command, reading the help that it shows you could be helpful
  • andy872andy872 April 2010
    unrar e file.rar
    to extract file to current dir.
  • monzmonz April 2010
    sorry, severin, my bad ... i forgot that unrar requires an additional command. thanks, ernia and andy872.
  • LigatorLigator May 2010
    Instala el paquete Xarchive.tazpkg (No el Xarchiver.tazpkg) del repositorio de Slitaz, luego instala el unzip.tazpkg y el get-rar.tazpkg y tendrás además del descompresor, un entorno gráfico para descomprimirlos ;)
  • sanekssaneks May 2010
    que bien.. muchas gracias.. he tenido el mismo problema.
    incase someone does not understand the spanish:
    open up terminal or tazpkg-box, get root and type

    tazpkg get-install xarchive
    tazpkg get-install unzip
    tazpkg get-install get-rar

    now you have an GUI for decompressing
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