- Some extra driver (Wireless, Webcam, Modems, Proprietary Drivers like ATI, nvidia)
- Maximum Netbooks out-of-box- support (resolution, wireless card, easy to install)
- Printing and Scanning Problem
- Udev and Hal can create some device permission problems
- Easy way of converting packages from other Distributions such as Debian to Slitaz
- Software pkgs in Repos lacking in certain categories such as Games (e.g., Chess)
- Fix all broken packages in repos
- Easy creation of customized CD (Tazusb seems to be easier than Tazlito. Can tazusb dump everything on liveCD too?)
- Lack of easy Power management
- Firewall (iptables) frontend
- "Tazpkg Upgrade" should be more smooth so that people are less afraid that software will be broken after upgrade
- Live CD Iso size is dangerously increasing
- Flavors are underutilized. New flavors can highlight Slitaz strengths and also cater to different needs
, e.g., an X-org flavor or a full-distribution with maximum out-of-box functionality
- Screenshots for newbies
- How to install on netbooks like eeepc
- Post Installation Tips (Appearance (Sexy Desktop); Hardware Autodetect, Slitaz Control Box; Networking; Compiling and Upgrading Pkgs)
- Wireless setup(command line;screenshots and troubleshooting)
- Xorg Installation (Nvidia /setup; Xorg.conf:Fonts,Monitor,keyborad settings)
- How to customize liveCD and create personalized flavors (Screenshots)?
- How to use Other Window Managers, e.g., Pekwm, fluxbox, dwm?
- UDEV and HAL
- Add more details about linux-* pkgs (What each pkg is meant for?)
- Add Wiki Pages for setting up different hardwares (Modems/3G/dialup; webcam; graphic drivers like Nvidia)
- Recreate wiki page for troubleshooting hardware problems (We used to have it but we lost it)
- How to set up printer and scanners using CUPS?
- How to for dialup devices?
- Recommended Software pkgs (Lightweight applications) to do almost anything on Slitaz
- How to burn CD/DVD audio/video using Burnbox
- How to make backup on CD / comp
- How to do Sound/Video conversion using ffmpeg (Burnbox automatically does some)?
- How to import photos from digital camera using gphoto2?
- Slitaz repos have old version of software and Upgrading packages in slitaz is tough
- Too many hardware problems
- Can only have lightweight packages
- No easy way of burning CDs
# flux2hd
# Version 04
# installation-help for Slax
# 22.05.2007
# shell script for installation of SLAX to harddisk
# written by Thomas Schoenhuetl <pilleus.pulcher@arcor.de> 22.05.2007
# It contains parts of the official Slackware installer.
# This shell script is contributed under the terms of GPL v2 by Thomas Schoenhuetl <pilleus.pulcher@arcor.de> 22.05.2007.
# Erweiterung und Anpassung an fluxflux-sl
# 09.04.2009
# Thomas Schönhütl <pilleus.pulcher@arcor.de>
# Abfrage, ob mit Installation einverstanden
START=$(zenity --title "fluxflux-sl Installer" --question --text "Now you can install the running livesystem to a local storage device (harddisk, external harddisk, usb-device, SD(HC)).\n\nYou can prepare the storage device with gparted (resize partitions, create partitions, format partitions).\n\nRecommendation: 1 rootpartition (ext3 formated, min. 4 GB), 1 swappartition (= amount of RAM), optional e. g. /home (ext3 formated, min. 1 GB)\n\nAt the end of the installation process you can install GRUB as bootloader into the MBR or onto the rootpartition.\n\nUse the installer at your own risk!")
if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then
zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was canceled by the user!"
# gparted starten ...
PARTIT=$(zenity --title "Start gparted" --question --text "Now you can use gparted to partitionate and format existing partitions.\n\nIMPORTANT: All storage devices (internal and external) will be shown as /dev/sdx (e. g. /dev/sda)!\n\nPlease format the partitions in the correct way (e. g. ext3)!")
if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was cancelled by the user!"
# gparted aufrufen
zenity --title "Remember your partitions" --info --text "Please remember the created or used partitions (e. g.):\n\nrootpartition = /dev/sda5 or\nswappartition = /dev/sdc7 or\nhomepartition = /dev/sdb5\n\nYou will need the exact numbers during the installation process and during the installation of the bootloader!\n\nPLEASE LET THIS WINDOW OPEN UNTIL GPARTED WILL FINISH ITS ACTIONS!\n\nAfter closing gparted close this window with 'OK' ..." &
sleep 10
# Rootpartition eingeben ...
ROOTP=$(zenity --title "Choose rootpartition" --entry --text "Please insert the rootpartition:" --entry-text "/dev/sdnX")
if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was cancelled by the user!"
# Swappartition eingeben ...
SWAPP=$(zenity --title "Choose swappartition" --entry --text "Please insert the swappartition or cancel, if no swap will be used:" --entry-text "/dev/sdnX")
if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "No swappartition will be used!"
# Homepartition eingeben ...
HOMEP=$(zenity --title "Choose homepartition" --entry --text "Please insert the homepartition or cancel, if no homepartition will be used:" --entry-text "/dev/sdnX")
if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "No homepartition will be used!"
# Partitionen einhängen ...
# Rootpartition
mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
mount -t `blkid $ROOTP | tr " " "\n" | grep -v SEC_TYPE | grep TYPE | cut -d'"' -f2` /dev/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev` /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`
# Swappartition
if [ "`echo $SWAPP`" ]; then
swapon /dev/`echo $SWAPP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`
# Homepartition
if [ "`echo $HOMEP`" ]; then
mkdir /mnt/`echo $HOMEP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
mount -t `blkid $HOMEP | tr " " "\n" | grep -v SEC_TYPE | grep TYPE | cut -d'"' -f2` /dev/`echo $HOMEP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev` /mnt/`echo $HOMEP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`
# Nutzer erstellen
# Autologin abfragen
AUTO=$(zenity --title "Autologin" --radiolist --text "Login the new user by default?" --list --column Choice --column Action TRUE "No, thank you." FALSE "Yes, login automatically.")
LOGIN=`cat /etc/slim.conf | grep auto_login`
if [ "`echo $AUTO`" = "No, thank you." ]; then
sed -i "s:`echo $LOGIN`:auto_login no:" /etc/slim.conf
# Letzte Abfrage
READY=$(zenity --title "Ready for installation" --info --text "Now everything is prepared to install the livesystem. Please give your 'OK'!")
if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was cancelled by the user!"
# Daten kopieren
/etc/fluxflux/textanzeige &
if [ -z "`echo $HOMEP`" ]; then
cp -R --preserve /{bin,dev,etc,home,lib,root,opt,sbin,srv,usr,var} /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/ 2>/dev/null
cp -R --preserve /{bin,dev,etc,lib,root,opt,sbin,srv,usr,var} /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/ 2>/dev/null
cp -R --preserve /home/* /mnt/`echo $HOMEP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/ 2>/dev/null
mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/mnt 2>/dev/null
mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/mnt/cdrom 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub 2>/dev/null
mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/proc 2>/dev/null
mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/sys 2>/dev/null
mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/tmp 2>/dev/null
mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/media 2>/dev/null
mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/home 2>/dev/null
cp /boot/vmlinuz /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/ 2>/dev/null
# Neue /etc/fstab erstellen ...
echo "devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0" > /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
echo "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
echo "shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
echo "`blkid $ROOTP | tr " " "\n" | grep UUID | sed -e 's#"##g'` / `blkid $ROOTP | tr " " "\n" | grep -v SEC_TYPE | grep TYPE | cut -d'"' -f2` defaults 1 1" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
if [ "`echo $HOMEP`" ]; then
echo "`blkid $HOMEP | tr " " "\n" | grep UUID | sed -e 's#"##g'` /home `blkid $HOMEP | tr " " "\n" | grep -v SEC_TYPE | grep TYPE | cut -d'"' -f2` defaults 1 2" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
if [ "`echo $SWAPP`" ]; then
echo "`blkid $SWAPP | tr " " "\n" | grep UUID | sed -e 's#"##g'` swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
echo "" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
# Pulseausgabe beenden ...
killall textanzeige
# Bootloaderinstallation vorbereiten
BOOTL=$(zenity --title "Install GRUB" --info --text "Now you can install and configure the bootloader GRUB.\n\nThe storage device for the GRUB installation is:\n\n`echo $ROOTP | cut -b -8`\n\nThe choosen rootpartition for the installation is:\n\n`echo $ROOTP`\n\nYou will need this information during the following installation and configuration of GRUB!")
if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was cancelled by the user!"
# /boot/grub/menu.lst fixen
cp /etc/fluxflux/initrd.splash /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/ 2>/dev/null
# externe Medien mit Verzögerung starten ...
DELAY=$(zenity --title "External storage device" --list --text "Did you install to an USB-device or a SD(HC)?" --radiolist --column Choice --column Action TRUE "No." FALSE "Yes.")
if [ "`echo $DELAY`" = "No." ]; then
WEG=$(cat /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst | grep "root=$ROOTP" | cut -d " " -f7-)
sed -i "s:`echo $WEG`:vga=785 splash=silent quiet init 4 \n initrd /boot/initrd.splash:" /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst
WEG=$(cat /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst | grep "root=$ROOTP" | cut -d " " -f7-)
sed -i "s:`echo $WEG`:vga=785 splash=silent quiet rootdelay=10 init 4 \n initrd /boot/initrd.splash:" /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst
WEG1=$(cat /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst | grep "root=$ROOTP" | cut -d / -f5 | cut -b 1-3)
sed -i "s:`echo $WEG1`:sdb:" /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst
# Deviceeintrag fixen
WEG2=$(cat /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst | tr " " "\n" | grep hd | sed -n '1p' | cut -b 2-4)
sed -i "s:`echo $WEG2`:hd0:" /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst
# Rebooten
zenity --title "Installation is finished" --info --text "The installation is finished!\n\nIMPORTANT: If you installed to an external storage medium and you want to use this installation at a pc with more than one internal harddisk you have to edit the bootloaderconfiguration from 'root=/dev/sdbN' into 'root=/dev/sdcN', so that the system is able to boot!"
umount /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/dev
umount /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/proc
umount /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`
#! /usr/bin/gtkdialog -e
# gtki_user, The GoblinX User Account Creator
# Author: Grobsch(Flavio de Oliveira) <http://www.goblinx.com.br>
# Suited to fit the needs of fluxflux-sl
# by M.Mueller aka Quax <mmueller@live-modules.org>
if [ "$NEWROOTPASS" != "" ]; then
if [ "$NEWROOTPASS" = "$NEWROOTPASS02" ]; then
echo "root:$NEWROOTPASS" | /usr/sbin/chpasswd
zenity --title="E R R O R" --error --text "No identical passwords, please try again." 0 0
if [ "$USERID" != "" ]; then
mkdir /home/$USERID
if [ "$USERGRPS" = "" ]; then
for GRUPPE in users audio cdrom floppy plugdev video console; do
if [ "$(echo $USERGRPS | grep $GRUPPE)" = "" ]; then
echo ",$GRUPPE" >> /tmp/USERGRPS
USERGRPS=$(cat /tmp/USERGRPS | tr -d '\n')
useradd -m -c $USERID -d /home/$USERID -s '/bin/bash' $USERID -g users -G $USERGRPS
usermod -p "" $USERID
chown -R $USERID.users /home/$USERID
rm /tmp/USERGRPS
sed -i 's:gast:'$USERID':' /etc/slim.conf
sed -i 's: = gast::g' /usr/share/slim/themes/default/slim.theme
# change password
if [ ! "$USERPASS" = "" ]; then
echo "$USERID:$USERPASS" | /usr/sbin/chpasswd
export MAIN_DIALOG='
<window title="user configuration" icon-name="gtk-edit" resizable="false">
<label>" "</label>
<frame change rootpassword >
The password for root is not secure in the live system.
Please change it now to make your system secure.
The password will be changed in the running live system
and will be copied into the installed system afterwards.
Please use a strong password. You should use a mix of
letters and numbers."
<action>if true enable:NEWROOTPASS</action>
<action>if false disable:NEWROOTPASS</action>
<action>if true enable:R1</action>
<action>if false disable:R1</action>
<action>if true enable:R2</action>
<action>if false disable:R2</action>
<action>if true enable:NEWROOTPASS02</action>
<action>if false disable:NEWROOTPASS02</action>
<label>" password: "</label>
<label>" "</label>
<label>" repeat:"</label>
<label>" "</label>
Please click ONCE the button ACTIVATE CHANGES
BEFORE you click the button QUIT !"</label></text></frame>
<frame create user >
Please create a user without privileges for your system
in the following fields.
The user name may content numbers, letters, special symbols,
BUT NO spaces or upper cases.
You can choose several groups for the new user.
If unsure, leave the field empty. Then the groups console,
audio, video, cdrom, plugdev und floppy will be created."</label></text>
<label>"user account"</label>
<action>if true enable:USERID</action>
<action>if false disable:USERID</action>
<action>if true enable:USEPASS</action>
<action>if false disable:USERPASS</action>
<action>if true enable:USERGRPS</action>
<action>if false disable:USERGRPS</action>
<action>if true enable:U1</action>
<action>if false disable:U1</action>
<action>if true enable:U2</action>
<action>if false disable:U2</action>
<action>if true enable:U3</action>
<action>if false disable:U3</action>
<label>" username: "</label>
<label>" "</label>
<label>" password: "</label>
<label>" "</label>
<label>" groups: "</label>
<label>" "</label>
<label>" (seperate groups with a colon, no space)"</label>
<label>" "</label>
<input file stock="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"activate changes"</label>
<input file stock="gtk-quit"></input>
<action type="exit">OK</action>
<label>" "</label>
while true; do
MSG="Copying the system to harddisk ... please be patient!"
echo "$MSG" | osd_cat -A center -f -misc-chandas-medium-r-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -c green -p bottom
sleep 1
*bootmenu like in ubuntu
*graphical boot?
*drop "slim" and use "lxdm" instead
*drag and drop of files (see link on bottom)
*trashcan support (see link on bottom)
*possibility to "explode" packages
*possibility to safe packages (optional include dependencies)
*possibility to "downgrade" packages
*possibility to "block" packages (from installation/up-/downgrade)
*program not installed? suggest installation!
*missing libraries? automatic installation!
*use axel to download packages
*download each package to folder /var/cache/tazpkg/[packagename-version]
*use binary diffs
*pause on installation warnings/errors
*drop "files.list", use only "md5sum" (it holds the same information)
*desktop integration: doubleclick on a *.tazpkg, install dialog appear..
*browser integration: click on a link to a *.tazpkg, install dialog appear..
*notification on updates/finished actions (installing/deinstalling)
*main window: tab "packages": add a new column "file size"
*main window: tab "search": progressbar when searching
*main window: tab "search": notification when done with searching
*install dialog: row "Maintainer/Email": doubleclick starts email program
*install dialog: "files" dialog: button to save this list as "[packagename-version].lst"
*'Show Journal' in a gui dialog
SliTaz 3.0 will have full UTF-8 support and will use standard PO files for the translation of all SliTaz related tools, boxes and utilities.
We may also provide an official Asian (at least Chinese) LiveCD flavor. The SliTaz web site is now translated to Chinese and the translation team does a really good job. But including Chinese fonts into the core is not possible if we want to stay under 30 Mb, so having a flavor is the best solution
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