hi ..iam on a debianetch (oldthinkpad)
and i tried to install slitaz cookin by hand described in the documentation
but it ended in:
h5n1:/home/h5# mkdir /mnt/target
h5n1:/home/h5# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/target
h5n1:/home/h5# mount -o loop /home/h5/slitaz-slitaz-3.0.iso slitaz-cooking.iso
h5n1:/home/h5# mount -o loop /home/h5/slitaz-cooking.iso /media/cdrom
h5n1:/home/h5# mkdir /mnt/target/boot
h5n1:/home/h5# cp -a /media/cdrom/boot/vmlinuz-* /mnt/target/boot
h5n1:/home/h5# cp /media/cdrom/boot/rootfs.gz /mnt/target
h5n1:/home/h5# cd /mnt/target
h5n1:/mnt/target# ls
boot rootfs.gz
h5n1:/mnt/target# lzma d rootfs.gz -so | cpio -id
lzma: invalid option -- s
cpio: premature end of archive
can sb help me?
the OLD-original lzma source knows the option "--s" ...
# so I got it from here http://www.htpc-forum.de/download/lzma.gz
# backup /usr/bin/lzma
#extract lmza.gz to /usr/bin/
bamm!everythin works fine ;-)
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