I dont recommand you to boot the iso - its better to mount and extract it to hda2 - see here http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-iso-image-under-linux.html
and I recommand you to use stable and not cooking - its still buggy
the grub entry in your Lubuntu for SliTaz is then
title slitaz
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/bzImage rw root=/dev/null vga=normal autologin
there is a howto for this, but http://doc.slitaz.org is not available at the moment
After you add home=/dev/sdxx , /dev/hdxx, or UUID to grub kernel line option to tazusb writefs is available to compress/save your filesystem in memory to disk prior to shutdown thereby saving installed programs.
sorry, did not know, that there is such a big difference between grub and grub 2 the iso should be in /slitaz/ of hda1
So adding an entry like the following to your grub config (/boot/grub/grub.cfg):
menuentry "slitaz from harddisk (ISO = slitaz-3.0.iso)" {
loopback loop (hd0,0)/slitaz/slitaz-3.0.iso
linux (loop)/boot/bzImage isofrom=/dev/hda1/slitaz/slitaz-3.0.iso
initrd (loop)/boot/rootfs.gz
should work or just adpting that from mojo
menuentry "SliTaz-3.0.iso" {
loopback loop /dev/hda1/slitaz/slitaz-3.0.iso
linux16 (loop)/boot/bzImage
initrd16 (loop)/boot/rootfs.gz autologin
could work to - try it out
and what you mean with - my floppy drive is something of the past
Slitaz has a nice grub4dos floppy, but boot.slitaz.org is also down - I found the floppy here -
edit the menu.lst
title Slitaz
root (hd0,0)
kernel /slitaz/bzimage rw root=/dev/null autologin vga=normal
initrd /slitaz/rootfs.gz
save default
bzimage and rootfs.gz must be in the /slitaz directory of hda1
yes I found this: http://mirror.slitaz.org/floppies/
you can download the floppy images, but not the grub4dos floppy - this is not mirrored
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