Is the printing subsystem enabled by default? Only, when I go to "Manage Printing" I get an error message "can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:631".
On the Slitaz documentation website there seems to be no section dealing with printing.
@Totoetsasoeur: Thanks for the link. However, although I appear to already have CUPS installed, it obviously isn't up and running, as I still get the error message when I try http://localhost:631/ How do you get CUPS to start automatically?
Also, there is no /etc/cupsd.conf file, but there *is* an /etc/cups/cupsd.conf -- ???
Hi ! Slitaz menu >> System tools >> Control box >> "Initialization" tab >> run daemons Add "cupsd". Not sure if there is a specific ordered to prefer about cups, related to others daemons already noted.