i created in the last 3 days a lot of distros with core, justx or base flavor (modified and not modified). No iso works on my target PC. I mad the same with stable and every rootfs works.
The boot process stops at: 1st FSC E-6624 Notebook . . Freeing unsused kernel memory ..... Switching / to /tmpfs ..... Warning: /pro/ide/hd?/ ..... input: PS/2 Mouse as ..... input: AlpcPS/2 ALPC GlidePoint as .....
2nd ASUS eee 1101HA . . After found SD-card boot process stops
The keyboard works. I can reboot with CTRL & ALT & DEL.
The cooking build from the website works on both PC.
I think there's a problem with the new init script - but I don't know what exactly. I experienced the same problem today; I fixed it by using an older init script. Here's what you can do to solve that : Boot the cooking iso from website, get you're flavor; as root put the init script in /home/slitaz/distro/addfiles/rootfs; you can do that with pcmanfm launched as root user if command-line is a pain for you; what I call init script is the file named init at root of the system (/); so the adress is /init. I never use the dialogbox to gen iso but I'm pretty sure that you can do that easily if you use it. Then, gen distro and tazlito will put this init file into it so all will probably works fine.
I experienced similar things with cooking on a thinkpad X24: Booting a frugal install of cooking stopped at hw detection. I didn't investigate this further, but instead switched my existing stable hd installation to cooking with tazpkg. Textmode was working then, but X started without input devices or support for the power button - so a hard reset was needed. The reason seemed to be that the existing xorg.conf had been disabled, but udev lacked the rules for X.org devices. I re-enabled my xorg.conf, but to no avail - still no input devices, another hard reset. This time the log said "AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd, 'mouse' or 'vmouse' will be disabled". I had no "AllowEmptyInput" in my xorg.conf, so I put "Option "AllowEmptyInput""off"" in the ServerLayout section, and this solved the problem (but the log still shows errors for config/udev).
@khad: du to an update of xorg (1.5>1.9), some stuff are handled differently; if you made your cooking using stable packages list you have a missing package : xorg-xf86-input-evdev; which now handle several devices instead of kbd, mouse and some other drivers which are now disabled by default (upstream changes).
@funkturm : I can't figure out what is going exactly. Is X launching or not ? Is the boot proccess hanging ? If X launch then hang, can you use the system with linux console using Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?