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Serial Mouse and Slitaz...
  • RobertugoRobertugo December 2010
    Hello and congratulations to the whole team of Slitaz.  
    I am trying to install slitaz-cooking-4in1.iso in a computer that has mouse serial.  
    The graphic environment runs perfectly, but I am not able to move to the pointer of the mouse.  
    However in text mode I have installed gpm and the mouse works correctly.  
    According to the log of Xorg, evdev picks up the devices reported by udev (in my case the keyboard and the speaker).  
    What should I make to achieve that the mouse serial works under the desktop?  
    From already thank you...
  • RobertugoRobertugo December 2010
    Thanks Mojo for your reply, but I previusly read and test the solutions in this forum to that problem and none work; the new Xorg refuses to load the drivers "mouse" and "keyboard" from xorg.conf, because autodetect via evdev is on and if I disabled this option, then the keyboard machine stop working totally...and I cant't return to the text console with key sequences: ctrl_alt_bksp or crl_alt_f1 or ctrl_alt_f2, etc...

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