installed slitaz to the second grub install at the end faield due to "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly" reinstalling grub ends in the same result
gparted shows hda1 as ntfs and hda2 as ext3 fdisk -l shows both as ntfs
linux shows itself installed on hda2 windows xp sees hda2 but empty
grub does not show itself during booting ..winows fires right away (and thats not what grub should do according to its config its not there)
how to fix this please? :) iv tried some googling about grub install problems but nothing of that helped ..i think fdisk showing hda2 as ntfs is the problem
Boot your slitaz-cdrom and start a terminal. Become su. # fdisk /dev/hda p This should reveal to you your two partitions and their format I guess hda1 is ntfs and hda2 is ext3. (when you installed Slitaz on /dev/hda2 it is reformatted as ext3, remember?) q # mkdir /hd (this is temporary during this session of course) # mount /dev/hda2 /hd (if your installation of Slitaz was correct, this should work). # cd /hd # ls
Now you should see the dirs of your installed Slitaz. Now it must become bootable.... There are two versions of grub. There old grub, which is installed default, and grub2, if you want grub2 (it is indeed the newest), there is a pkg in the repository. This story is about good old grub vs. 0.97.
# cd /usr/sbin # grub-install --root-directory=/hd /dev/hda will do the trick of installing old grub on your /dev/hda disk It worked for me.
Do a reboot and your hd should boot As I have only Slitaz mounted on my own hd, I do not know if the Windows on your /dev/hda1 is installed in grub automatic but afterwards you can edit file /boot/grub/menu.lst succes, linbuf
>I guess hda1 is ntfs and hda2 is ext3 nope, it says both are ntfs :( this is weird
>Now you should see the dirs of your installed Slitaz. yes, i see them
>will do the trick of installing old grub on your /dev/hda disk i only had there "grub-install" (with the '-') and no it didnt work, same error "The file /hd/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly" i used the grub from the current slitaz-loram-cd says its 0.97 (btw i have no network connection on that machine)
linux or regular grub installed to a ntfs partition doesn't work. Been there,done that,failed.I install linux to fat16 no problem. I hear fat32 works but haven't tried it. Don't modify with fdisk, it can be dangerous and disagree with what gparted indicates. A good tool for checking your partition table is testdisk.