On a fresh install of SliTaz cooking... I can browse mirror.slitaz.org in Firefox, but I can't connect using tazpkg on the command line (or GUI package manager). I get:
[code]wget: bad address 'mirror.slitaz.org'[/code]
On a recent CentOS install (same network) I had similar problems with 'yum'; I solved it by disabling ipv6 support. Any thoughts how to change this setting in SliTaz?
You are correct; no ipv6 according to lsmod... any other theories?
Sometimes I get the error "wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable" but usually it's just "wget: bad address 'mirror.slitaz.org'
ps my first post on the new forums, and I accidentally posted in the Deutsch forum... how can I move this to the English forum?