Sorry, my head wasn't working properly. Taken from
"Files with extension tar.gz or .tgz are tar files compressed with gzip."
Thus, you need to use gzip to de-compress it, then tar to expand the archive. So, your command would be:
tar -xf ipw2200_linux_1_2_0.tgz --gunzip
This tells tar to exract files from the archive (-x) but use GUnZip first. Inside there are some readme files, and another .tgz. Use:
tar -xf ipw2200-1.2.0.tgz --gunzip
for that one. Inside there are the instructions to build the kernel module.
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Before you do though, you may want to wait to see if anyone else has a better method to get the functionality you want.
started a discussion, seems like 'slitaz pros' respond; completely new to this stuff, kernel module is well outside my competency
slitaz does not recognize my laptop's built in wireless; just trying to figure out how to get it working
open to any ideas on howto "see if anyone else has a better method to get the functionality you want"