The iTouch does not mount. I noticed above in the 8th line of the cat... output that the value for Driver is "(none)". Any ideas how to go about getting the iTouch to mount? gtkpod won't do anything unless I can get the device to mount.
Slitaz sometimes uses /dev addresses that are different from other linuxes, causing errors with xine or burning software until the correct address is determined and entered.
I do not know if there is a group permission that would help.
@slicel, thanks for your response. I did try to mount manually. Slitaz generates a node however attempting to load that doesn't really go anywhere. If you notice in my post above, the value for Driver is none, which does not seem to be the case for other usb devices such as flash drives etc.
When I plugin the iTouch, a new node is created under /dev, say /dev/usbdev1.x. If I try to mount this node with say # mount /dev/usbdev1.x /media/somedir, I get the error:
mount: mounting /dev/usbdev1.x on /media/somedir failed: Block device required.
I checked with Gparted, does not show any other devices other than my hdd. Like I mentioned in my first post, usually when I plugin any external drive, slitaz recognizes it immediately and the device will show up in pcmanfm. Then when you click on the device pcmanfm will mount it for you automatically.
In this case, it does not show up in pcmanfm at all. Attempting to manually mount the node created under /dev results in the error mentioned above.
Not really sure what's going on here. But I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that the value for the Driver=(none) in my first post above. All other drives have some relevant value for Driver.
Interesting link. The one take away message I got from that was not to use gtkpod with iTouch. This is my gf's iTouch, if I mess it up, I'll stay hungry for awhile ;). Thanks for looking up that post. Cheers -MS