Hi. SliTaz is very cool, but I was going to use it from a USB stick to repair my hard disk. Then I found out there is no fsck, and it doesn't seem to exist in the available packages. Is there really no fsck? That seems so weird. Is there some way to get it?
And:erjo@beastie:~$ tazpkg list-files e2fsprogs
Installed files with : e2fsprogs
34 files installed with e2fsprogs.
Try to install e2fsck again.erjo@beastie:~$ e2fsck
Usage : e2fsck [-panyrcdfvtDFV] [-b super-bloc] [-B taille-de-bloc]
[-I nombre-blocs-du-tampon-i-noeuds] [-P taille-i-noeud-processus]
[-l|-L fichiers-des-blocs-défectueux] [-C fd] [-j journal-extern
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