slitaz hangs when creating rootfs.gz. my pc is a p3 1ghz with 512mb ram. my rootfs.gz is currently 123mb and i'm trying to add the last few packages that i need. the longest i waited for it to finish is 30mins and slitaz is not responding to any keypress or mouse movement. any solutions to this?
Compression takes a long time with big files or slow computers.
I think running in ram means you need enough ram for uncompressed fs size of normal boot plus enough ram to compress the fs (a total of 2x uncompressed fs size?).
I think another forum post mentioned that tazlito (live cd iso) and tazusb have different default compression settings.
The documentation is confusing about whether or not tazusb works on fat or only ext3 (or if tazusb works on fat but home only works on ext3).
I do not know why tazusb and tazlito are two different things instead of one thing with documentation on the home= option.
Erjo, why does the tazusb manual say, "The command 'format' is used for formatting a device for use as a LiveUSB device. Currently, it only supports formatting as EXT3"?
Does "TazUSB supports both FAT32/EXT3 formatted drives using SYSLINUX and EXTLINUX respectively" mean that syslinux does not work on ext3 and extlinux does not work on fat32?
you need mtools, dosfstools and other filesystem related tools/libs to accomodate other filesystems, even with gparted. tazusb works on any mountable disk.