After a 'tazpkg upgrade', my Wifi connexion is no more working. Looking at boot log, I found wpa_supplicant complaining about a -w unknown option. The slitaz-cooking 2009 before upgrading was working fine. I found a workaround that I would like to share: Edit the /etc/init.d/ and remove the '-w' option from every 'wpa_supplicant' lines. Actualy change: wpa_supplicant -B -w -c/tmp/wpa.conf -D$WPA_DRIVER -i$WIFI_INTERFACE
to this one: wpa_supplicant -B -c/tmp/wpa.conf -D$WPA_DRIVER -i$WIFI_INTERFACE
This is only a workaround and should probably be corrected in a future version ...
Same thing happened to me, except my computer was running stable 2.0, I switched to cooking and ran a 'tazpkg upgrade' and then lost my connection.
Thanks a lot for the workaround.
Regarding the previous bug, I'm wondering why the complete daemon command line is written in the init script. I thought il was the daemons.conf file's job.