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Need help with Edimax EW-7318USg (USB)
  • dandan November 2009
    I have a Edimax EW-7318USg (USB)
    I downloaded and burned Slitaz (slitaz-aircrack-ng-20090704.iso ) but when I try to run the script startrausb0 I receive "device not found"
    I tried to start the PC with the EW-7318USg attached or to attach it after the system is up - same results.

    I run startx went to menu/syste tools/wireless/driver selected RT73 from the driver's list and RT73 firmware and the Edimax EW-7318USg works and I can connect to the internet. I then tried to open a console and run aircrack-ng but I receive "bad command"

    Any Idea ???
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