Hey all, I'm new to SliTaz and coming from a previous Debian and Ubuntu experience. I'm currently running 3.0 stable.
Couple of questions for you guys (and gals): 1. Which is better to use Stable or Cooking? - For example, VLC and Mplayer runs in x11 mode only, which creates a seperate window in VLC (as in unembedded) Video window that cannot be resized. With Mplayer it is within the window, but yet again no way to resize it or run it full screen. gecko-mplayer doesn't work at all. Would this be fixed in Cooking? - Custom compling (after installing toolchain and dev packages of the requirements and toolchain apps) fails with some programs like xchat 2.8.8, which keeps getting the gettext bug, even though I have both gettext and gettext-dev installed. Is this better in Cooking? - Abiword doesn't work well (or at all) with files created in .doc format or even files created in odf. get-OpenOffice3 fails to download anything. Is this better in Cooking? - Why does so many options need Nvidia drivers? Like WINE and SDL-devs?
So far that's my only real grievences with Stable and I was just wondering if it was worth it to switch to Cooking instead. Thanks in Advance!
EDIT: I will add that with custom compiled packages I do use --prefix=/usr with ./configure EDIT2: I finally got around the gettext in xchat, but it still broke because of some dependancy which was removed/renamed within the latest X.org libraries...
Ok, I solved the Abiword problem (The solution was on the forum all along ^.^)
The compile issue is to do the programs depending on older libraries that have changed in the latest versions. I've noted this with xchat 2.8.8 and zsnes so far.
With VLC I noticed that I can fullscreen that external (unembeded) video window, so it's not that bad.
Fixed gnome-mplayer/gecko-mplayer by installing the libgpod dependacy.
Ok, I admit this has started to become fun solving these problems myself and compiling stuff (I compiled the mana world game client - 1.0.0beta2 - and all it's dependancies not in the package manager myself).
My question still remains, is it better to go over to cooking, so should I rather stick with stable for now?
openoffice should install - I did this several time it just is an awfully long process, depending on your machine, i do not remember if it cpu or ram hungry. You need to make sure / is at least 1GB - i had started with a small / since slitaz advertised to be 30 MB -> ~100 MB uncompressed, but of course you need more, specially with OO I have not used cooking at all but I would say this is not a big deal, since you are getting started: It is always possible to do an upgrade, and i guess you want to learn what is slitaz and how well it could fit your needs. I would go for 3.0 because you will have more available support, as usual, than with the latest toys which painting may not even be dry....
I'd stick to stable for now as Cooking really is unstable; packages are submitted there when they work for whoever did it, maybe not for others. You can always switch, though. I think the vast majority of people are running Stable at the moment after months of an X bug causing many video drivers to crash.
Thanks for the replies guys. I think I'll stick with stable for now. I'm yet to work out why xchat's plugins don't work and how to get event sounds to play.
I also fixed a slight bug in firefox's image rendering by disabling gfx.color_management in about:config (I set it to 0). Seems it's a bug in 3.5.1 going on mozilla's forum discussion about it.