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SliTaz Minimum Sys Requirements?
  • ThecovesterThecovester November 2010
    Hello everyone,

    I have a VERY old computer and I'm considering putting SliTaz on it. What are the system requirements?
  • TotoetsasoeurTotoetsasoeur November 2010
    Have a look at the following:

    If you need more info, please give us details about your hardware.
  • ThecovesterThecovester November 2010
    Thanks- I have a 14-year-old computer with Windows 98. I want to give it a new life (if possible) with SliTaz. It only has 64 mb of memory and some form of Pentium Processor. The Lowramcd looks like it would work for me, but I am not an advanced Linux user at all, so those instructions are like they're in a foreign language. So, with my old computer I probably can't install the normal SliTaz. If I use the LowRamCD will I be able to? How can I make/use the LowRamCD?

    Also, I saw something about Tiny SliTaz. Would that still be able to have a (basic) word processor, internet browser, etc? Would Tiny SliTaz even look/function like SliTaz?
  • ChristopheChristophe November 2010
    have a look at Antix. At least, it adertises that it can run with low end PII with 64MB ram.
  • sporkspork November 2010
    I've gotten Slitaz 3.0 running on my IBM 365XD (120MHz Pentium, 40MB RAM, 1GB Hard Drive), but I had to use a roundabout way of installing it - basically, put the hard drive from the older laptop into a newer computer, install slitaz with that machine, then put the hard drive back in the old one.
  • bellardbellard November 2010

    Thecovester :
    You can run slitaz-installer with the loram cd. It does the same installation as the core cd.
    Tiny-Slitaz is highly experimental and is designed to create tiny servers without X11 for virtual machines or (very) old hardware. Not suitable for desktop (yet)., next:

    Spork :
    I think you have choosen the best way for installing SliTaz. Note that you could have use the 5 floppies subset of without newer computer.

  • sporkspork November 2010
    Here's something to circumvent installing on another computer, etc.

    Basically, it's a clean install of Slitaz Cooking 20101104, which you can unzip it to a partition (needs at least 113MB), provided you've already partitioned your hard drive. You may need to edit /etc/fstab on that for it to boot correctly, and you do need to reinstall GRUB once you've copied the filesystem over.

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