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Backup Slitaz
  • Hi,
    Is there a way to backup slitaz and all settings?
    Slitaz is installed on my HDD,and the settings are almost perfect booting, modules,programs etc. Im about play with some settings and i have had situations where i was unable to figure out how to get back to the original settings for hrs.
    Maybe a program like apples time machine(backup utility).
  • domcoxdomcox July 2010

    # tazlito writeisoUse running system to generate a bootable ISO (with /home).

    # tazlitobox(writeiso tab)
    Writeiso will generate an ISO image of the current filesystem as
    is, including the /home directory. It is an easy way to remaster a
    SliTaz Live system, you just have to: boot, modify, writeiso.

  • it says

    " Unable to mount the cdrom to copy the kernel and needed files. when Slitaz is running in ram the kernel and bootlaoder files are kept on the cdrom. Please insert a LiveCD or unmount the current cdrom to let Tazlito Handle the media
    enter to continue..."

    when i press enter it closes the box and nothing. i dont have a cd-drive. its a mini laptop. Is it not suppose to just generate an iso image and ask me where to save it? Thanks
  • ChristopheChristophe July 2010

    I have done that myself, and ended up wondering how to really restore my system, ie, i have a bootable dvd, but do not understand how to restore it to disk: should i just reinstall from this livecd for it to reinstall my system as it is on the CD ??

  • domcoxdomcox July 2010
    You need to use a virtual cdrom:
    #1 download slitaz iso and put it in /boot or elsewhere
    #2 mount the iso img as a cdrom (root user)
    # mount -o loop -t iso9660 /boot/slitaz-3.0.iso /media/cdrom
    #3 you're now ready to use tazlito, tazusb..

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm afraid you'll have to boot your livecd and copy files manually.
  • ChristopheChristophe July 2010

    Can i just boot as root from livecd then "cp -R / (on disk /dev/hdaX)" drive partition, with the hope this will gracefully reboot after all files including links will have been restored as expected ?
    (have not done these things in years....)
    If this is that easy then not a big deal....
  • thanks domcox. but i was looking for something like Grsync or Pcbackup. rather than making ISO every time i want to backup.

    Now just to figure out why grsync is not working.

    hopefully, slitaz will have a simple script for restore previous settings and files or only previous settings like windows especially when you mess up you system after installing something.

  • kultexkultex August 2010
    you have different possibilities:

    1) Partimage

    2) dd - eg.

    dd if=/dev/hdx | gzip > /path/to/image.gz
    gzip -dc /path/to/image.gz | dd of=/dev/hdx

    or 3) rsync - eg:

    rsync -avze ssh /home/tux user@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:/backups

  • jozeejozee August 2010
    @slitazFanAgent : Slitaz normally comes with grsync. You can also install it using Slitaz package manager.
  • @jozee : yes, i downloaded it from the package manager, but was unable to get it to perform what i wanted.
    Also ran into some permission problems too!! dont know how to fix all these so i gave up.

    what i wanted was to copy all the files in the "/" directory apart from a few folders like /lost+found also /dev and a few folders that are auto-generated.
    Because suggestions of copying only /home will not be enough. i know i have changed things in /sys/devices/ and /etc and /usr i think like adjusting mouse config. adding modules..please dont quote me on this. But i am definately sure i have changed things in places other than /home.

    And i tried inserting the exclude-from command in the "extra options tab" under "execute this command before rsync" or so. maybe it doesnot work there.


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