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Xterm problem
  • Hi everybody, I'm an idiot.
    I was looking for a terminal emulator to replace xterm, BUT, because I suck, I first unistalled xterm through the packages manager and then I tryed to install a new emulator. Now the Packages Manager doesn't work.
    I guess its because I worked thanks to xterm, but I'm not sure: now, when I select a package and I click "install", nothing happens.
    How can I install xterm again not using the packages manager?
    How can I manage to get the packages manager working again?
    Thanks ^^
  • DarjeelingDarjeeling July 2010
    > BUT, because I suck ...

    ... hehe. I had the same problem some months ago when I wanted to replace XTerm with Sakura but went about it in the wrong order. At the time I didn't look hard to find a solution to the problem as a re-install wasn't a big deal. But I learned from it an decided to keep both terminals. XTerm is a rather small application anyways ... Have you tried the 'run command' from the menu? In case this works and you're using something like Sakura don't forget to make it the default terminal in ...

    - SliTaz default applications
    - in PCman FM advanced options
    - in the advanced options of LXPanel
  • DarjeelingDarjeeling July 2010
    P.S.: I noticed that applications like Moc and Orpheus automatically default to XTerm although Sakura is set up to be the standard terminal. I'd keep XTerm if I were you.
  • So, what should I do?
    Shall I run something like this:

    # wget
    # tar xzf xterm-223.tgz
    # cd xterm-223
    # ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
    --mandir=/usr/share/man --localstatedir=/var \
    --with-app-defaults=/usr/share/X11/app-defaults \
    --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --host=i486-pc-linux-gnu
    # make
    # make DESTDIR=$PWD/_pkg install
    # strip _pkg/usr/bin/*
    # cp _pkg/usr/bin/* $fs/usr/bin
    # cp -a _pkg/usr/share/X11/* $fs/usr/share/X11

    When I write "wget" nothing happens.
    What should I run?
    Forgive me, I'm new to Slitaz ^^.

    Thanks Darjeeling
  • domcoxdomcox July 2010

    Switch to one of the 6 consoles, say console 1:
    Ctrl+Alt F1
    then log in as root, and install xterm:# tazpkg get-install xtermTo get back to graphics mode press Ctrl+Alt+F7.
  • domcoxdomcox July 2010

    Switch to one of the 6 consoles, say console 1:
    Ctrl+Alt F1
    then log in as root, and install xterm:# tazpkg get-install xtermTo get back to graphics mode press Ctrl+Alt+F7.
  • domcoxdomcox July 2010

    Switch to one of the 6 consoles, say console 1:
    Ctrl+Alt F1
    then log in as root, and install xterm:# tazpkg get-install xtermTo get back to graphics mode press Ctrl+Alt+F7.
  • domcoxdomcox July 2010

    Switch to one of the 6 consoles, say console 1:
    Ctrl+Alt F1
    then log in as root, and install xterm:
    # tazpkg get-install xterm
    To get back to graphics mode press Ctrl+Alt+F7.
  • domcoxdomcox July 2010

    Sorry, for sending multiple msgs.
  • LexeiiLexeii July 2010
    To get back to graphics mode press Alt+F7.
  • It works!
    Thanks guys ^^
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