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Opera installation
  • DarjeelingDarjeeling July 2010
    I was just trying to find out if the latest Opera release (10.60)
    was already available in the package manager and saw that
    there's a problem when I select "get-opera" ...

    Connecting to (
    wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  • seawolfseawolf July 2010
    As a short-term fix, download the "Other (RPM)" version from Opera's site and convert it to a TazPkg:

    tazpkg convert opera-10.60-6386.tazpkg

    You, like me, can then install that until the script is fixed.
  • DarjeelingDarjeeling July 2010
    Thanks for the reply, seawolf. I have done what you've suggested. Although I the installation produced a number of warnings about unresolved dependencies and something about gstreamer, Opera 10.60 seems to work without problems. I wonder if the RPMs for Fedora or Mandriva may be even closer to what's needed in SliTaz? Anyways ... for the time being Opera 10.60 works well. When the script is fixed I will un-install and then properly re-install the package.
  • seawolfseawolf July 2010
    I've corrected the script and added a little bit to it (one output, a build number etc.) and as long as there are no complaints will add it to the repos:
    It will need a `chmod +x get-opera` after download, before run. It still downloads the RPM, re-packs it in to a TazPkg; you will still have 'opera-10.60-6368.tazpkg' installed as normal.

    The directories and filename suffixes have changed which I is what broke it.
    The script will need to be updated with each major release, certainly; we will have to see if they keep more than then latest build.

  • bellardbellard July 2010

    Since get-opera download the lastest rpm available.

  • DarjeelingDarjeeling July 2010
    Thanks to both of you, seawolf & bellard. I first tried Captain Larsen's new script but this got stuck because the URL still seems to be wrong ...

    root@slitaz:/home/tux/Downloads# chmod +x
    root@slitaz:/home/tux/Downloads# get-opera

    Remove opera (10.11-final) ?
    Please confirm uninstallation (y/N) : y

    Removing : opera
    Removing all files installed... [ OK ]
    Removing package receipt... [ OK ]

    Connecting to (
    wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

    ... then I tried to merge the changed bits from bellard's page into the script. But it didn't work. I guess, I'm just not smart enough for this ... :-)
  • mojomojo July 2010
    I've already removed 10.60 and gone back to 10.11
    JMO but the UI stinks and it takes forever to start...
  • seawolfseawolf July 2010
    Pascal's changes don't work for me either, though my script works fine here :-S Can anyone else test it?
    My log is here:

    I noticed you used the command:

    But, as you're in the Downloads directory, I assume you downloaded my script there? If so, you'll need to make sure you run that and not the original you have in /usr/bin.

    If you still have the 'get-opera' *package* installed, you just called the old script from that!

    Run the new one with a dot-slash prefix:
    chmod +x get-opera
  • DarjeelingDarjeeling July 2010
    @seawolf ... yes, that was a stupid mistake. To make up for this I did the real thing this time. I copied your script to /usr/bin and ran it as root from my home directory, which worked without any problems. Great!

    The only difference to previous Opera installations is that the icon is now called opera-browser.png (it used to be just opera.png). After the installation this has to be changed in /usr/share/applications/Opera.desktop ...


    Another thing I noticed is that Opera no longer needs the command line parameter -notrayicon to get red of the annoying tray icon. It actually doesn't start at all with this parameter in the command line. To disable the tray icon one has to use "about:config" scroll down to "User Preferences" and change "Show Tray Icon" in there.

    Here's how your script looks in the terminal ...

    tux@slitaz:~$ su
    root@slitaz:/home/tux# get-opera

    Remove opera (10.11-final) ?
    Please confirm uninstallation (y/N) : y

    Removing : opera
    Removing all files installed... [ OK ]
    Removing package receipt... [ OK ]

    Downloading version 10.60 (build 6386)...
    Connecting to (
    opera-10.60-6386.i38 100% |*******************************| 14396k 00:00:00 ETA
    63013 blocks

    Packing : opera-10.60
    Creating the list of files... [ OK ]
    Creating md5sum of files... [ OK ]
    Compressing the fs...
    LZMA 4.57 Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov 2007-12-06
    [ OK ]
    Undating receipt sizes... [ OK ]
    Creating full cpio archive... [ OK ]
    Restoring original package tree... 45973 blocks
    [ OK ]
    Package opera-10.60 compressed successfully.
    Size : 8.7M opera-10.60.tazpkg

    Installation of : opera-10.60
    Copying opera-10.60... [ OK ]
    Extracting opera-10.60... 17739 blocks
    Extracting the pseudo fs... (lzma) 45973 blocks
    Installing opera... [ OK ]
    Removing all tmp files... [ OK ]
    opera (10.60) is installed.

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