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How to install: GNU make, GNU compileer, Build and Header files
  • meanptmeanpt January 2010
    In order to install VBox Guest Additions I need to install

    1- The GNU make

    2- The GNU compiler

    3- Build plus Header files for the linux kernel

    For Mandriva, I know the command is "urpmi kernel-desktop586-devel-latest"

    What's the equivalent command in SliTaz?


  • cavalier911cavalier911 January 2010
    tazpkg get-install slitaz-toolchain

    binutils linux-headers glibc-dev gcc make
  • meanptmeanpt January 2010
    Hi, cavallier, I did run the command with the slitaz-toolchain plus all the other parameters (binutils ... etc ... make) individually with --forced. They all installed but I still get missing the Build and Header files of the linux kernel.
  • ErjoErjo January 2010
    Kernel headers are in linux-headers package.

    Sources Kernel and patches for slitaz are in linux-source package.

  • meanptmeanpt January 2010
    Erjo, hi. Does it mean I have to install or get somehting?
  • ErjoErjo January 2010

    Yes. You need to install the linux-source package.
  • meanptmeanpt January 2010
    Thanks. But how?
  • seawolfseawolf January 2010
    sudo tazpkg get-install linux-source

    and type your Tux account password -- default is 'tux' -- when asked. This is the same process as with slitaz-toolchain.
  • meanptmeanpt January 2010
    seawolf, thanks for the command.
    erjo, thanks for the sugestion

    but ... after running the command and installing everything, vbox couldn't still make it.

    I would like to post here the terminal 's text messaging, but so far didn't manage do copy paste from the terminal to elsewhere. Can anyone tell me how to do it?
  • seawolfseawolf January 2010
    You can pipe the console output to a file with
    myprogramname >> output.txt

    but you will need to capture the errors (2) along with the normal output (1):

    mycommand > output.txt 2>&1
  • meanptmeanpt January 2010

    This is what I get now, after installations with sudo tazpkg get-install linux-source :

    Verifying archive integrity... All good.
    Uncompressing VirtualBox 3.0.12 Guest Additions for Linux installationdf: invalid option -- 'P'
    BusyBox v1.12.0 (2009-09-21 16:29:43 CEST) multi-call binary

    Usage: df [-hmki] [FILESYSTEM...]

    Print filesystem usage statistics

    -h Human readable (e.g. 1K 243M 2G)
    -m 1024*1024 blocks
    -k 1024 blocks
    -i Inodes

    sh: 9859: unknown operand
    VirtualBox 3.0.12 Guest Additions installation
    Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel module...
    Building the shared folder support kernel module...
    Building the drm support kernel module...
    Installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions...

    As our installer does not recognize your Linux distribution, we were unable to
    set up the initialization script vboxadd correctly. The script has been copied
    copied to the /etc/init.d directory. You should set up your system to start
    it at system start, or start it manually before using VirtualBox.

    If you would like to help us add support for your distribution, please open a
    new ticket on
    As our installer does not recognize your Linux distribution, we were unable to
    set up the initialization script vboxadd-service correctly. The script has been copied
    copied to the /etc/init.d directory. You should set up your system to start
    it at system start, or start it manually before using VirtualBox.

    If you would like to help us add support for your distribution, please open a
    new ticket on
    Could not find or XFree86 on the guest system. The X Window drivers
    will not be installed.

  • meanptmeanpt January 2010
    I already opened a bug tracker ticket on virtual box :(. It's not "my" distribution, but it's the distribution I use for lots of things, cause is fast, agile and low on required resources.
  • seawolfseawolf January 2010
    SliTaz uses BusyBox, which is a collection of command-line utilities that are re-written to be shrunk down. Unfortunately, they (BB) haven't done it properly, so it's compatibility is crap. This means that df is different, and the script that sets VBox up uses df doesn't use it properly the BB version properly. It throws this error:
    df: invalid option -- 'P'

    If you follow what the error message says, it tells you to add two services to start-up. You can do this by appending the names of the scripts oin the correct area of the Control Box.

    After a reboot, do things seem to work? I've had some issues with some versions.
  • meanptmeanpt January 2010
    seawolf, thanks for the feed-back.

    1. "After a reboot, do things seem to work"?
    You mean, now, this is before, or after adding the scripts to the startup? Right now, without adding the scripts to the start up, everythings runs fine, with the exceptions mentioned in "3." which awere already ocurring before trying to install anything.

    2. Adding scrripts to the "startup" in Control Box
    There is a "inicialization" tab in contrfol box, with a "add local commands: /etc/init.d/" button. By clicking on it, i get a sort of command file, where one of the lines shows

    ". /etc/init.d/rc.functions"

    Shall I replicate this line with the name of the scripts?

    3. By the way, since the first reboot/startedup after the installation of slitaz cooking, I 'm getting one "Failed" line in during the booting/startup and antother "Failed" during the loging off /shutting down of slitaz cooking, but could not stop the scrolling and read it properly. But this does not happen when I use the system's reboot option, instead of shutting it down
  • seawolfseawolf January 2010
    1) I meant, does anything explicitly fail after you add the scripts?

    2) Close. Use that format to call the VBox services. Reboot, and see if it works.

    3) Have a look in the Boot Log, the menu item for which is under System Tools (I think)
  • meanptmeanpt January 2010

    1 and 2:
    a)- the file has now the next:

    # /etc/init.d/ - Local startup commands.
    # All commands here will be executed at boot time.
    . /etc/init.d/rc.functions
    - /etc/init.d/vboxadd
    . /etc/init.d/vboxadd-service

    echo "Starting local startup commands... "

    b)- after rebooting, either as root or tux, everything went normal; in fact, nothing happened and slitaz keeps running smoothly. Of course, vbox guest additions isn't installed neither.

    c)- in root, when trying to run the scripts mannually with the "start" sufix, the result is:

    For "$/root/etc/init.d/vboxadd start"

    "Starting VirtualBox Guest Addition service VirtualBox Additions module not loaded!
    Starting VirtualBox Additions!
    (Cannot change owner vboxadd:1 for device /dev/vboxadd)"

    For "$root/etc/init.d/vboxadd start"

    "Starting VirtualBox Guest Addition service VirtualBox Additions module not loaded!
    Starting VirtualBox Additions!
    (Cannot change owner vboxadd:1 for device /dev/vboxadd)
    Starting VirtualBox Guest Addition service VirtualBox Additions module not loaded!"

    3. Checking the boot.log for failed actions (by the way, I could not find the corresponding text file, if any exists, and so this a manual transcription):

    Starting udev daemon ... [Failed]
    Udevadm requesting events from the Kernel ... [ok]
    Udevadm waiting for the event qeue to finish ... [ok]

  • seawolfseawolf January 2010
    I see. I think you'll have to install a few of the proper utilities over the BusyBox versions, by using the package database to search for each file in turn, starting with df, and installing the appropriate package. Obviously the VBox binary installer does not compensate for having BB installed.

    The UDev Fail is normal. I have that. Apparently, you can restart UDev manually and it works. I think there's a forum post about it somewhere.

    Good luck!
  • meanptmeanpt January 2010
    Thanks, seawolf. Unfortunately, that task is out of my scope and capacities, cause I started looking at linux in December and I,m only a user, and a very fresh newbie. Let's see what the version 3 will bring.
  • seawolfseawolf January 2010
    I appreciate that completely. I wonder the value of BusyBox sometimes when it directly breaks things.

    Still; keep going, don't give up & you won't regret it :)
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