This is the old SliTaz forum - Please use the main

List of features/thoughts/criticisms
  • jozeejozee November 2009
    We are starting to prepare for 3.0. To make 3.0 better, I am trying to make a list and consolidate some of the features/thoughts/crticisms discussed on forums. This will help Slitaz-devs to make 3.0 easier for newbies/new-converts. Some of these have already been addressed.

    Here are some of the things I remember:

    Better Hardware Support would be great:

    - Some extra driver (Wireless, Webcam, Modems, Proprietary Drivers like ATI, nvidia)
    - Maximum Netbooks out-of-box- support (resolution, wireless card, easy to install)
    - Printing and Scanning Problem
    - Udev and Hal can create some device permission problems


    - Easy way of converting packages from other Distributions such as Debian to Slitaz
    - Software pkgs in Repos lacking in certain categories such as Games (e.g., Chess)
    - Fix all broken packages in repos

    Improvements/New Slitaz tools:
    - Easy creation of customized CD (Tazusb seems to be easier than Tazlito. Can tazusb dump everything on liveCD too?)
    - Lack of easy Power management
    - Firewall (iptables) frontend

    - "Tazpkg Upgrade" should be more smooth so that people are less afraid that software will be broken after upgrade
    - Live CD Iso size is dangerously increasing

    - Flavors are underutilized. New flavors can highlight Slitaz strengths and also cater to different needs  
    , e.g., an X-org flavor or a full-distribution with maximum out-of-box functionality

    Once the list is finalized, I will add it to Labs issue tracker.
  • jozeejozee November 2009
    Update Wiki (Add and/or Update existing documentation):


    - Screenshots for newbies
    - How to install on netbooks like eeepc
    - Post Installation Tips (Appearance (Sexy Desktop); Hardware Autodetect, Slitaz Control Box; Networking; Compiling and Upgrading Pkgs)
    - Wireless setup(command line;screenshots and troubleshooting)
    - Xorg Installation (Nvidia /setup; Xorg.conf:Fonts,Monitor,keyborad settings)
    - How to customize liveCD and create personalized flavors (Screenshots)?
    - How to use Other Window Managers, e.g., Pekwm, fluxbox, dwm?
    - UDEV and HAL

    - Add more details about linux-* pkgs (What each pkg is meant for?)
    - Add Wiki Pages for setting up different hardwares (Modems/3G/dialup; webcam; graphic drivers like Nvidia)
    - Recreate wiki page for troubleshooting hardware problems (We used to have it but we lost it)
    - How to set up printer and scanners using CUPS?
    - How to for dialup devices?

    - Recommended Software pkgs (Lightweight applications) to do almost anything on Slitaz 
    - How to burn CD/DVD audio/video using Burnbox
    - How to make backup on CD / comp
    - How to do Sound/Video conversion using ffmpeg (Burnbox automatically does some)?
    - How to import photos from digital camera using gphoto2?

    Some Myths:
    We may also like to address some of the myths that new/inexperienced users have.
    - Slitaz repos have old version of software and Upgrading  packages in slitaz is tough
    - Too many hardware problems
    - Can only have lightweight packages
    - No easy way of burning CDs

  • slicelslicel November 2009
    Slitaz advantage is small with diy customization and that means, 1) keep it small, 2) diy should work.

    Keep an xvesa flavor if xorg is big. Knowing what to uninstall is not easy for new users.

    Keep slitaz small by keeping as many drivers and apps in repos, as long as they work when installed because core slitaz has the proper skeleton. "Tazpkg convert" is great pnp as long as a new user does not have to recompile the kernel before installing the new tazpkg.

    Improve/consolidate/focus documentation (for unique slitaz procedures, not things already explained on that you can link) but also ask why people need documentation. I have no idea if a gparted manual exists and so far I do not care because I use gparted intuitively and it just works.

    Make tazlito easier to use because it is the linchpin of the diy system.

    Fix the problems with basic things that make a program a complete os instead of a firefox booter. Taking a whole day to setup hardware is ok but not having basic 1980s functions like printing in 2008 and still not a year later is not so good.

    Slitaz is almost great.

    Thank you.
  • neonlinuxneonlinux November 2009
    Slitaz is truly almost great!
    I have been distro hopping so much.... I have tried as many lightweight or minimal Linux distros as possible... it is very satisfying to use Slitaz.. ------- "Make tazlito easier to use because i also belive it is the most important of the DIY system" ------- Especially for making a Live CD that is installable.. i have already tried and failed enough times to do this... so i guess my skills are not that good.. For my educational projects english with Chinese scim input method is really important! i am still trying to learn how to get Firefox or other mozilla browsers to be able to use scim.. i have downloaded the very good slitaz flavors for Wordpress / Wiki ... and Joomla.. i wanted to be able to include Chinese support for both of them .. but i cannot seem to be able to create a new iso.. i would like to learn how and be able to make more flavors.. following the lines of Bitnami.. and Turnkey .... Slitaz is fantastic for its very good graphic design ... and small size... there is a Chinese Slitaz but it is for Slitaz 1 so far i am using Slitaz on 3 P4 and some newer desktop computers.. On the newest Desktop i could not setup the Net for Static IP..... i guess this is a driver problem for the Net card... I also tried to install both Slitaz 2 and Cooking on my hard disk .. but although the screen showed typical msg.. apparently Grub did not change anything.. since the previous Grub for Ubuntu continued to work.. In my view.. Slitaz is incredible.... due to its well designed interface..... small functional size... yet having enough programs to use.. Puppy Linux is also done very well.. however, i have downloaded and installed many Puplets... yet continue to return to Slitaz..... why? the frugal install of Puppy Linux can easily take up to 1gb of hard disk space...... for my educational projects i need to have Slitaz's small size with only a few apps sorry for this rambling first post
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    First - sorry, if I repeat Slitaz is superb !!! - I think I have tested all the small distros in the last 8 years, but slitaz is the distro, I was always dreaming about (I did with a friend 2003/4 a small howto - because we were extremly frustrated with the distros on the market - it is funny to read it now, it is still online -

    I think your thoughts are perfect, but let me point some things out:


    More flavours would help a lot - a flavour with Xorg, one with nvidia drivers, one with ATI, special flavours for all the nettops and of course one with the sexy desktop.... this will keep the iso small and is very userfriendly.

    3G support should be working out of the box - like here in Austria, a lot of people have now a 3G modems - it is the cheapest way to got to the internet beside wlan (or at least a special flavor).

    slitaz installer - I had no time until now, to try it with the new cooking, but with 2.0 I could not install slitaz normal on a usb-stick, only to the internal harddisk - like for cutting audio and video, the os should not be on the same harddisk as the files and for older laptops, it is not very good, if the os is eating to much memory - so until now, I did this with dd and this takes quite a lot of time - also it would be nice, to have the possibility to select a seperate /boot partition - like my boot partition is on the internal hd, the rest on the stick. And there should be a extra script for grub, if it fails or

    A script, that installs the windows fonts


    As I already told - Ardour - until now, there is no way around it, if you want to cut audio professional and for Video, ok - there is Kino, which is professional, but openshot - would be cool and for the future lumiera -
    OK - you could say there is avlinux, but avlinux is only running on very new laptops (eaven with low memory) and it is to big.

  • vinylvinyl December 2009
    Some repository niggles (YOUR OWN PACKAGE MANAGER! AND IT ROX0RZ! WTF!!!!)

    * Why is midori in x-window? Should it not be in network?
    It's also hard to find 'cause its summary says "Web Browse" (not "browser")

    * The package for abiword-extras says "Wikidepia"

    * rsync: "Utility that provides fast incremental"... Incremental what?

    * I know in French probably it's called something like Gestor de Paquetes but in English maybe it should be SliTaz Package Manager (no plural).
  • jozeejozee December 2009
    @vinyl: Its difficult for us to keep track of all the typo errors. Linea has been doing an amazing job in improving English in all Slitaz receipts, boxes and websites. But he is taking a break these days. Wondering if you would be willing to help in this aspect.
  • LuXLuX December 2009
    Hello !

    I agree with some other members that the most important features of Slitaz are also its most specific one's, hence should be preserved and even improved if possible:

    - Smallest possible size and fast boot is good.

    - The Just-X flavor is a jewel.

    - Xorg and UTF-8 flavors have been asked by many people.

    - Stability and hardware management are required for popularity.

    - A full description of the packages (not just one phrase), available online with a search script is needed.

    - Customisation of live systems should be simplified : doing this with tazlito and tazusb is wonderfull, but the existence of at least two different procedures with many options/commands has confused a lot of people in the forum. Personaly I considered "tazusb writefs" as a far better procedure than tazlito, although it is much less documented.

    - This last point is related to the documentation, which is of course essential. For example, I am wondering if one different help page for each of the possible installations (liveUSB, HD, frugal inside another Linux, frugal inside windows, with or without internet...) wouldn't be a good thing. The same is true for the documentation on various kinds of customised live systems in the handbook, and add one page for comparisons could be usefull too.

    But most of all I agree that asking is not doing. I can help by contributing to some wiki pages for example (all of which disapeared with the old forum), but the documention on central aspects of Slitaz (installation and live customisation) takes place in the handbook.

    Nevertheless, perhaps the possiblity of involving the community in improving the wiki could be developped by advertising.

    Best regards,


    PS: Slitaz is not "almost great", it is the greatest existing mini-linux in my opinion, and I really hope its popularity will continue to grow up.
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    @Lux - I agree totally - only one supplement: please "tazusb writefs" with extension to determin the partition e.g. "tazusb writefs /dev/sda6"

    I have a proposal to modify the installer - not to invent the wheel once again - I like to present the installer from fluxflux-sl ( from Thomas Schönhütl - I think it could be easy adopted to slitaz - most important - it adds a new user with password and changes the password for root and sets a seperate home direcory - and I know, there is no fstab, but I think for a standard installation, the home partition should be a different one (I do it manually with home=UUID on booting) and also the possibility to select the swap partition (like swap=UUID).

    The installer consists of two scripts - flux2hd and gtki-user one is using zenity - the other gtkdialog, but I think, both could be written in gtkdialog, which is much smaller than zenity - it will be some posts
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    flux2hd-script / part1:
    # flux2hd
    # Version 04
    # installation-help for Slax
    # 22.05.2007
    # shell script for installation of SLAX to harddisk
    # written by Thomas Schoenhuetl <> 22.05.2007
    # It contains parts of the official Slackware installer.
    # This shell script is contributed under the terms of GPL v2 by Thomas Schoenhuetl <> 22.05.2007.
    # Erweiterung und Anpassung an fluxflux-sl
    # 09.04.2009
    # Thomas Schönhütl <>
    # Abfrage, ob mit Installation einverstanden
    START=$(zenity --title "fluxflux-sl Installer" --question --text "Now you can install the running livesystem to a local storage device (harddisk, external harddisk, usb-device, SD(HC)).\n\nYou can prepare the storage device with gparted (resize partitions, create partitions, format partitions).\n\nRecommendation: 1 rootpartition (ext3 formated, min. 4 GB), 1 swappartition (= amount of RAM), optional e. g. /home (ext3 formated, min. 1 GB)\n\nAt the end of the installation process you can install GRUB as bootloader into the MBR or onto the rootpartition.\n\nUse the installer at your own risk!")
    if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then
    zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was canceled by the user!"
    # gparted starten ...
    PARTIT=$(zenity --title "Start gparted" --question --text "Now you can use gparted to partitionate and format existing partitions.\n\nIMPORTANT: All storage devices (internal and external) will be shown as /dev/sdx (e. g. /dev/sda)!\n\nPlease format the partitions in the correct way (e. g. ext3)!")
    if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
    zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was cancelled by the user!"
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    flux2hd-script / part2:
    # gparted aufrufen
    zenity --title "Remember your partitions" --info --text "Please remember the created or used partitions (e. g.):\n\nrootpartition = /dev/sda5 or\nswappartition = /dev/sdc7 or\nhomepartition = /dev/sdb5\n\nYou will need the exact numbers during the installation process and during the installation of the bootloader!\n\nPLEASE LET THIS WINDOW OPEN UNTIL GPARTED WILL FINISH ITS ACTIONS!\n\nAfter closing gparted close this window with 'OK' ..." &
    sleep 10
    # Rootpartition eingeben ...
    ROOTP=$(zenity --title "Choose rootpartition" --entry --text "Please insert the rootpartition:" --entry-text "/dev/sdnX")
    if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
    zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was cancelled by the user!"
    # Swappartition eingeben ...
    SWAPP=$(zenity --title "Choose swappartition" --entry --text "Please insert the swappartition or cancel, if no swap will be used:" --entry-text "/dev/sdnX")
    if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
    zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "No swappartition will be used!"
    # Homepartition eingeben ...
    HOMEP=$(zenity --title "Choose homepartition" --entry --text "Please insert the homepartition or cancel, if no homepartition will be used:" --entry-text "/dev/sdnX")
    if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
    zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "No homepartition will be used!"
    # Partitionen einhängen ...
    # Rootpartition
    mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    mount -t `blkid $ROOTP | tr " " "\n" | grep -v SEC_TYPE | grep TYPE | cut -d'"' -f2` /dev/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev` /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`
    # Swappartition
    if [ "`echo $SWAPP`" ]; then
    swapon /dev/`echo $SWAPP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    flux2hd-script / part3:
    # Homepartition
    if [ "`echo $HOMEP`" ]; then
    mkdir /mnt/`echo $HOMEP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev` >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    mount -t `blkid $HOMEP | tr " " "\n" | grep -v SEC_TYPE | grep TYPE | cut -d'"' -f2` /dev/`echo $HOMEP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev` /mnt/`echo $HOMEP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`
    # Nutzer erstellen
    # Autologin abfragen
    AUTO=$(zenity --title "Autologin" --radiolist --text "Login the new user by default?" --list --column Choice --column Action TRUE "No, thank you." FALSE "Yes, login automatically.")
    LOGIN=`cat /etc/slim.conf | grep auto_login`
    if [ "`echo $AUTO`" = "No, thank you." ]; then
    sed -i "s:`echo $LOGIN`:auto_login no:" /etc/slim.conf
    # Letzte Abfrage
    READY=$(zenity --title "Ready for installation" --info --text "Now everything is prepared to install the livesystem. Please give your 'OK'!")
    if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
    zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was cancelled by the user!"
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    flux2hd-script / part4:
    # Daten kopieren
    /etc/fluxflux/textanzeige &
    if [ -z "`echo $HOMEP`" ]; then
    cp -R --preserve /{bin,dev,etc,home,lib,root,opt,sbin,srv,usr,var} /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/ 2>/dev/null
    cp -R --preserve /{bin,dev,etc,lib,root,opt,sbin,srv,usr,var} /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/ 2>/dev/null
    cp -R --preserve /home/* /mnt/`echo $HOMEP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/ 2>/dev/null
    mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/mnt 2>/dev/null
    mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/mnt/cdrom 2>/dev/null
    mkdir -p /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub 2>/dev/null
    mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/proc 2>/dev/null
    mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/sys 2>/dev/null
    mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/tmp 2>/dev/null
    mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/media 2>/dev/null
    mkdir /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/home 2>/dev/null
    cp /boot/vmlinuz /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/ 2>/dev/null
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    flux2hd-script / part5:
    # Neue /etc/fstab erstellen ...
    echo "devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0" > /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
    echo "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
    echo "shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
    echo "`blkid $ROOTP | tr " " "\n" | grep UUID | sed -e 's#"##g'` / `blkid $ROOTP | tr " " "\n" | grep -v SEC_TYPE | grep TYPE | cut -d'"' -f2` defaults 1 1" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
    if [ "`echo $HOMEP`" ]; then
    echo "`blkid $HOMEP | tr " " "\n" | grep UUID | sed -e 's#"##g'` /home `blkid $HOMEP | tr " " "\n" | grep -v SEC_TYPE | grep TYPE | cut -d'"' -f2` defaults 1 2" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
    if [ "`echo $SWAPP`" ]; then
    echo "`blkid $SWAPP | tr " " "\n" | grep UUID | sed -e 's#"##g'` swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
    echo "" >> /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null
    # Pulseausgabe beenden ...
    killall textanzeige
    # Bootloaderinstallation vorbereiten
    BOOTL=$(zenity --title "Install GRUB" --info --text "Now you can install and configure the bootloader GRUB.\n\nThe storage device for the GRUB installation is:\n\n`echo $ROOTP | cut -b -8`\n\nThe choosen rootpartition for the installation is:\n\n`echo $ROOTP`\n\nYou will need this information during the following installation and configuration of GRUB!")
    if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
    zenity --title Abbruch --info --text "The installer was cancelled by the user!"
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    flux2hd-script / part6:
    # /boot/grub/menu.lst fixen
    cp /etc/fluxflux/initrd.splash /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/ 2>/dev/null
    # externe Medien mit Verzögerung starten ...
    DELAY=$(zenity --title "External storage device" --list --text "Did you install to an USB-device or a SD(HC)?" --radiolist --column Choice --column Action TRUE "No." FALSE "Yes.")
    if [ "`echo $DELAY`" = "No." ]; then
    WEG=$(cat /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst | grep "root=$ROOTP" | cut -d " " -f7-)
    sed -i "s:`echo $WEG`:vga=785 splash=silent quiet init 4 \n initrd /boot/initrd.splash:" /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst
    WEG=$(cat /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst | grep "root=$ROOTP" | cut -d " " -f7-)
    sed -i "s:`echo $WEG`:vga=785 splash=silent quiet rootdelay=10 init 4 \n initrd /boot/initrd.splash:" /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst
    WEG1=$(cat /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst | grep "root=$ROOTP" | cut -d / -f5 | cut -b 1-3)
    sed -i "s:`echo $WEG1`:sdb:" /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst
    # Deviceeintrag fixen
    WEG2=$(cat /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst | tr " " "\n" | grep hd | sed -n '1p' | cut -b 2-4)
    sed -i "s:`echo $WEG2`:hd0:" /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/boot/grub/menu.lst
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    flux2hd-script / part7:
    # Rebooten
    zenity --title "Installation is finished" --info --text "The installation is finished!\n\nIMPORTANT: If you installed to an external storage medium and you want to use this installation at a pc with more than one internal harddisk you have to edit the bootloaderconfiguration from 'root=/dev/sdbN' into 'root=/dev/sdcN', so that the system is able to boot!"
    umount /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/dev
    umount /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`/proc
    umount /mnt/`echo $ROOTP | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev`
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    gtki-user/script / part1:
    #! /usr/bin/gtkdialog -e

    # gtki_user, The GoblinX User Account Creator
    # Author: Grobsch(Flavio de Oliveira) <>
    # Suited to fit the needs of fluxflux-sl
    # by M.Mueller aka Quax <>

    if [ "$NEWROOTPASS" != "" ]; then
    if [ "$NEWROOTPASS" = "$NEWROOTPASS02" ]; then
    echo "root:$NEWROOTPASS" | /usr/sbin/chpasswd
    zenity --title="E R R O R" --error --text "No identical passwords, please try again." 0 0

    if [ "$USERID" != "" ]; then
    mkdir /home/$USERID
    if [ "$USERGRPS" = "" ]; then
    echo $USERGRPS > /tmp/USERGRPS
    for GRUPPE in users audio cdrom floppy plugdev video console; do
    if [ "$(echo $USERGRPS | grep $GRUPPE)" = "" ]; then
    echo ",$GRUPPE" >> /tmp/USERGRPS
    USERGRPS=$(cat /tmp/USERGRPS | tr -d '\n')
    useradd -m -c $USERID -d /home/$USERID -s '/bin/bash' $USERID -g users -G $USERGRPS
    usermod -p "" $USERID
    chown -R $USERID.users /home/$USERID
    rm /tmp/USERGRPS

    sed -i 's:gast:'$USERID':' /etc/slim.conf
    sed -i 's: = gast::g' /usr/share/slim/themes/default/slim.theme

    # change password
    if [ ! "$USERPASS" = "" ]; then
    echo "$USERID:$USERPASS" | /usr/sbin/chpasswd

    export MAIN_DIALOG='
    <window title="user configuration" icon-name="gtk-edit" resizable="false">
    <label>" "</label>
    <frame change rootpassword >
    The password for root is not secure in the live system.
    Please change it now to make your system secure.

    The password will be changed in the running live system
    and will be copied into the installed system afterwards.

    Please use a strong password. You should use a mix of
    letters and numbers."
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    gtki-user/script / part2:
    <action>if true enable:NEWROOTPASS</action>
    <action>if false disable:NEWROOTPASS</action>
    <action>if true enable:R1</action>
    <action>if false disable:R1</action>
    <action>if true enable:R2</action>
    <action>if false disable:R2</action>
    <action>if true enable:NEWROOTPASS02</action>
    <action>if false disable:NEWROOTPASS02</action>
    <label>" password: "</label>
    <label>" "</label>
    <label>" repeat:"</label>
    <label>" "</label>

    Please click ONCE the button ACTIVATE CHANGES
    BEFORE you click the button QUIT !"</label></text></frame>
    <frame create user >
    Please create a user without privileges for your system
    in the following fields.

    The user name may content numbers, letters, special symbols,
    BUT NO spaces or upper cases.

    You can choose several groups for the new user.

    If unsure, leave the field empty. Then the groups console,
    audio, video, cdrom, plugdev und floppy will be created."</label></text>
  • kultexkultex December 2009
    gtki-user/script / part3:
    <label>"user account"</label>
    <action>if true enable:USERID</action>
    <action>if false disable:USERID</action>
    <action>if true enable:USEPASS</action>
    <action>if false disable:USERPASS</action>
    <action>if true enable:USERGRPS</action>
    <action>if false disable:USERGRPS</action>
    <action>if true enable:U1</action>
    <action>if false disable:U1</action>
    <action>if true enable:U2</action>
    <action>if false disable:U2</action>
    <action>if true enable:U3</action>
    <action>if false disable:U3</action>

    <label>" username: "</label>
    <label>" "</label>
    <label>" password: "</label>
    <label>" "</label>
    <label>" groups: "</label>
    <label>" "</label>
    <label>" (seperate groups with a colon, no space)"</label>
    <label>" "</label>
    <input file stock="gtk-execute"></input>
    <label>"activate changes"</label>
    <input file stock="gtk-quit"></input>
    <action type="exit">OK</action>
    <label>" "</label>

  • kultexkultex December 2009
    ok - it is finished now, but its a hell of work, just to post two scripts.....

    edit: one script missing

    while true; do
    MSG="Copying the system to harddisk ... please be patient!"
    echo "$MSG" | osd_cat -A center -f -misc-chandas-medium-r-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -c green -p bottom
    sleep 1
  • ikemikem January 2010
    Overall I like SliTaz. It's fast. It's lean. That's why I use it. Well, it could "blink" a bit more. :)


    *bootmenu like in ubuntu
    *graphical boot?
    *drop "slim" and use "lxdm" instead
    *drag and drop of files (see link on bottom)
    *trashcan support (see link on bottom)

  • ikemikem January 2010
    Suggestions for Tazpkg:

    *possibility to "explode" packages
    *possibility to safe packages (optional include dependencies)
    *possibility to "downgrade" packages
    *possibility to "block" packages (from installation/up-/downgrade)
    *program not installed? suggest installation!
    *missing libraries? automatic installation!
    *use axel to download packages
    *download each package to folder /var/cache/tazpkg/[packagename-version]
    *use binary diffs
    *pause on installation warnings/errors
    *drop "files.list", use only "md5sum" (it holds the same information)
  • ikemikem January 2010
    Suggestions for Tazpkgbox:

    *desktop integration: doubleclick on a *.tazpkg, install dialog appear..
    *browser integration: click on a link to a *.tazpkg, install dialog appear..
    *notification on updates/finished actions (installing/deinstalling)
    *main window: tab "packages": add a new column "file size"
    *main window: tab "search": progressbar when searching
    *main window: tab "search": notification when done with searching
    *install dialog: row "Maintainer/Email": doubleclick starts email program
    *install dialog: "files" dialog: button to save this list as "[packagename-version].lst"
    *'Show Journal' in a gui dialog
  • seawolfseawolf January 2010
    Is the bugtracker at used much? I can't help but think many of these ideas should go as Feature Requests in there as they can relate to specific packages.
  • jozeejozee January 2010
    Yes, we track all issues at If "assigned", issues are emailed automatically to the assigned person. As suggested by seawolf, you may like to add it to issue tracker as feature request.
  • taylorchutaylorchu January 2010
    i am new to slitaz, but when i get to here I know I find the right place slitaz 2.0 works fine for me, but i am even more interested in slitaz 3.0

    i hope slitaz3.0

    1. instead of choosing locale when it boots, just use utf-8, so that it shows character in other language properly(*important)

    2. cooking version can be built at the time when user downloads, so that it will contain the latest package

    3. release beta version soon so that user can give suggestion

    4. update linux kernel to the latest version(*important)

    5. removal of the hal package(*ubuntu10.04)
  • taylorchutaylorchu January 2010
    i am new to slitaz, but when i get to here I know I find the right place slitaz 2.0 works fine for me, but i am even more interested in slitaz 3.0

    i hope slitaz3.0

    1. instead of choosing locale when it boots, just use utf-8, so that it shows character in other language properly(*important)

    2. cooking version can be built at the time when user downloads, so that it will contain the latest package

    3. release beta version soon so that user can give suggestion

    4. update linux kernel to the latest version(*important)

    5. removal of the hal package(*ubuntu10.04)
  • rwkrwk January 2010
    I have antix8.2, puppy 4.3.1 and slitaz cooking installed on my older laptop. I am comparing distros. With antix and puppy I have good wireless connectivity and easy connection with dial-up analog modem. I have no connectivity at all with slitaz cooking. Slitaz look, feel, and speed is great but without connectivity slitaz will not get used. Using the tool box does not get me connected. Auto detection button works for my pcmcia card but that is as far as i can get. I am not willing to spend the time on work arounds when I can just fire up antix or puppy and be connected. With connectivity I would use slitaz because it is very attractive in other ways. Hope this helps to let you know what is needed.
  • rwkrwk January 2010
    I have antix8.2, puppy 4.3.1 and slitaz cooking installed on my older laptop. I am comparing distros. With antix and puppy I have good wireless connectivity and easy connection with dial-up analog modem. I have no connectivity at all with slitaz cooking. Slitaz look, feel, and speed is great but without connectivity slitaz will not get used. Using the tool box does not get me connected. Auto detection button works for my pcmcia card but that is as far as i can get. I am not willing to spend the time on work arounds when I can just fire up antix or puppy and be connected. With connectivity I would use slitaz because it is very attractive in other ways. Hope this helps to let you know what is needed.
  • MattMatt January 2010
    Ok i know that im gonna made fun of this question but I'm a idiot and i need to ask anyway is the slitaz cooking iso file the beta to the alpha slitaz 3.0 if so then i have a name suggestion,
    " Alphataz " only because this is the best portable o/s i have ever used i will be working hard to try to make a background but i am drawing a blank litterly. anyway also one thing thats a little funny that you want to fix for the 3.0 is that in the battery tab in display system settings the thing that tells you like all that is in the computer that you are on. It basicly says that there is no battery installed but i know that there one because i put it there same on my older desktop it says that theres no battery but i hotwired i 9v carbattery in it and don't ask about the details because it was hard and expinsive and real risky because you have to basicly rebuild the motherboard.
  • LuXLuX January 2010
    Hello !

    @Slitaz's packages gentel developpers: Slitaz offers two good tiling windows managers, dwm and awesome. In my opinion wmii and/or i3 are significantly better. Okay, you have plenty of more urgent tasks at the moment... but really it's better! ;-)

    @ikem: I'm not a member of slitaz's team, just a user like you, but I would like to say that I disagree with 90% of your suggestions. It seems to me that it is not good to increase the size of the distro with unnecessary gadgets such as those that you suggest. There are only two things on which I agree with you:

    * A trashcan (by default or available as a package) would be nice. It's so common in computers now that many people expect that when they remove something it is not really removed but stocked somewhere, so that it can easily be recovered in case of mistake.

    * Pause on errors when installing a package, with the choice to continue or abort the installation, would be nice too. It would help reporting bugs and improving the existing packages.

    @taylorchu : I agree with 1) and 2). No idea on 4) and 5). Probably 3) is a misunderstunding: cooking is the beta version of 3.0.

    Best regards,
  • taylorchutaylorchu January 2010
    i dont think cooking version is 3.0beta. To me, it is 2.0 plus latest package. I actually test 'snow' cooking and it does not support any new feature of 3.0 at all.
  • LuXLuX January 2010
    Hello Taylorchu,

    Okay, maybe I'm wrong on this. I have read Erjo's post here and it seems to confirm your distinction between Cooking and 3.0beta. I have to say that I do not really understand what is this difference.

    Which new feature of 3.0 missing to cooking are you talking about? Did you tazpkg recharge/upgrade on it? (Sorry if this last question sounds stupid, I'm just asking...).

  • taylorchutaylorchu January 2010
    i am sure that i upgrade all packages to the latest package.

    here is the link :

    When I use NetSurf, which is packed in 'snow', each Japanese character seems to be a "square". You can test it on Wikipedia.
  • LuXLuX January 2010
    Hello Taylorchu,

    the link you mention is broken. Concerning UTF-8 and japanese characters, I'm not sure that a japanese font will be included in 3.0 by default. Indeed in the "Slitaz roadmap to 3.0" (now in Google cache) there is the following annoucement:

    SliTaz 3.0 will have full UTF-8 support and will use standard PO files for the translation of all SliTaz related tools, boxes and utilities.

    We may also provide an official Asian (at least Chinese) LiveCD flavor. The SliTaz web site is now translated to Chinese and the translation team does a really good job. But including Chinese fonts into the core is not possible if we want to stay under 30 Mb, so having a flavor is the best solution

    So I'm expecting 3.0 not to contain asian fonts but to be followed by an asian flavor devoted to this task.

    I would be interested in understanding if each stable version of Slitaz is (or is not) something like a picture of Cooking at some moment (with additional tests and bug fixing, of course, but nothing more different). Do you know an example of feature firmly planed to be included in 3.0 which is still lacking in Cooking?

  • taylorchutaylorchu February 2010
    even though i install asian font, Netsurf and file manager still show 'block'. fortunately, the content of firefox renders just fine.
  • plmdayplmday February 2010
    I recently read on the home ( of lzma that it's no longer developed any more and the author recommends switch to xz. Do we plan to change the package format again in the near future?

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