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How do I get 1400x1050 screen resolution?
  • BillFlemingBillFleming December 2010
    I am running Slitaz from liveCD on my Sony Vaio PCG-FX109K (Pentium 850 MHz and 512 RAM).  But when the program loads I only get limited screen resolution rather than the 1400x1050 of which the screen is capable.  How can I reset the resolution to 1400x1050 either at boot or when Slitaz is running?  I have tried 'slitaz vga=1400x1050' at the boot prompt but without success.
  • gdesilvagdesilva January 2011
    I use the following hack...

    1. su root
    2. cd /etc/X11
    3. leafpad xorg.conf
    4. go to SubSection in the "Screen" Section and add the following line after 'Depth 24' line

    Modes "1400x1050"

    5. save file and logout xsession and log back in.

    This should do the trick but not sure whether this is the most elegant way to do it.

    Good luck
  • kultexkultex January 2011
    I think, you dont get 1400x1050 with vesa driver - you have to install the default xorg driver

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