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how do i recover my system from the terminal
  • slitazFanAgentslitazFanAgent December 2010
    i was trying to configure power management in my slitaz, because when i close the lid it does not hibernate or sleep. infact, there is no power management. dell lattitude x300.
    i read on this forum that i need to install the intel drivers. i did that.
    however this did not work. Anyway, i uninstalled the driver and after that i could only log into slitaz terminal
    that is "startx" does not work.
    it gives something like this after loading.

    "welcome to slitaz box:

    slitaz@tux:# "

    I need a way to recover my slitaz, using only command line.
    notes: if there any required packages i could log on to my xp partition and download it. but how do i place it in the slitaz partition and how do i find it from the slitaz command line in order to use tazpkg. thanks

    also any other hints on power management.

  • kultexkultex December 2010
    install midnight commander as root: "tazpkg get-install mc"
    open midnight commander as root: mc
    navigate to /etc/X11/xorg.conf - open it with the included mcedit and change the videodriver from intel to vesa

    control evrything in /var/log/Xorg.0.log

    you can use vi insted of mc, if you know how vi works
  • slitazFanAgentslitazFanAgent December 2010
    unfortunately, i can not do "get-install " because its not connected to the internet.

    This is how i intend to do it.
    Insert the required tazpkg packages through another linux distro in the local repo.
    Then do tazpkg install filename.tazpkg.

    Where are the local packages stored?

    That is as "root@slitaz:# "

    I can access the files in slitaz through another linux distro. but do not know where to put it in order to find it in the local repos. that is under root@slitaz:#
  • erniaernia December 2010
    why don't you fix your network before?
    what's the output of
    cat /proc/net/dev 
    . if you have eth* different from eth0 you probably need to edit /etc/network.conf to point to the correct interface and then /etc/init.d/ restart .
    you you don't get to connect downolad the package iso, mount it to /media/cdrom and use tazpkg setup-mirror to point to it
  • kultexkultex December 2010
    so use vi or nano:

    slitaz@tux:# su - then type your root password
    root@siltaz: /home/tux# nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log - check the log for errors
    root@siltaz: /home/tux# nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf - change to vesa
    root@siltaz: /home/tux# exit
    slitaz@tux:# startx

    if it does not work see again Xorg.0.log and correct
  • unameuname December 2010
    Yesterday i had problems with X on my SliTaz. I deleted the ~user/.xsesssion and entries in /tmp for X-Sessions. Read the error-file /var/log/Xorg0.log and the messages after typing startx.
  • slitazFanAgentslitazFanAgent December 2010
    Thanks for all your suggestion. i will try them. But also please could you answer the question.
    where is the local repo located under root?
  • erniaernia December 2010
    you can find already installed packages (or installed/removed) in /var/cache/tazpkg/
    i don't know what you mean for "local repo located under root", if you donwload a package iso and mount it as a cdrom it would be your local repo if you use tazpkg setup-mirror
  • kultexkultex December 2010
    and you can download any tazpkg file with another os and put it whereever you want - just cd to the directory, where you put it, eg you put it in /home/tux/downloads you do:

    cd /home/tux/downloads

    then you get root and install it with "tazpkg install packagename"

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