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How do you remove the "My Documents" icon on the desktop?
  • lazyquarklazyquark April 2010
    Title says it all. Thanks.
  • lazyquarklazyquark April 2010
    It works BUT whenever you run PCMan File Manager it goes back. Any solutions? Thanks.
  • RuppRupp April 2010
    Do you disable manage desktop in PCManFM?
  • slicelslicel April 2010
    "Manage the desktop" is an option in Menu/Preferences/Desktop_Wallpaper.
  • RuppRupp April 2010
    Mine is Edit/Preferences/Destop/Manage the desktop and show file icons.
  • lazyquarklazyquark April 2010
    Thanks slicel and Rupp. Your suggestion worked. :-)

  • revenazrevenaz December 2010
    In fact you suppress all icons from the Desktop at the same time.
    I tried to rename my folder "Documents" into "My Documents"
    but when I click the Icon on the Desktop I got the message
    "the file doesn't exist"
  • ChristopheChristophe December 2010
    maybe you will have less problems if you rename it to My_Documents
    (or altenrantively enclose "My Document" in a double quotes... if this can work....)

    I am trying to stick to the habit of no using any space or accuented chars in filenames.... they are a source of problemes, sooner or later....
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za December 2010
    Using \ at the end of the word(s) just before the space(s) also works, so My Documents can be accessed with cd My\ Documents/ or an even longer name like This\ is\ a\ very\ long\ name/ also works :P

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