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Network file sharing
  • ms3811ms3811 November 2010
    What is the best way to accomplish this in Slitaz? Is there any reason to choose NFS over Samba? I would like some opinions on what would be the best choice to network two computers both running Slitaz for the purpose of sharing data. Thanks.
  • mojomojo November 2010
    For small size and ease of setup I would choose unfs3.
  • ms3811ms3811 November 2010
    Thanks for the response. I haven't used unfs or nfs before. After installing unfs3, when I try to run unfsd, I get the following error:

    Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection refused
    unable to register (NFS3_PROGRAM, NFS_V3, udp).

    Any ideas where to start looking? Thanks.
  • mojomojo November 2010
    Verify portmap is installed and running before unfsd is started.
    Install portmap and have it running on any computer you want to mount an nfs share with even it's not running unfsd.
     # /etc/init.d/portmap start|stop|restart

     # /etc/init.d/unfsd start|stop|restart

    # nano  /etc/rcS.conf 

    RUN_DAEMONS= portmap unfsd

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