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where do i fill bugs against 3.0?
  • erniaernia April 2010
    where do i fill bugs against 3.0?
  • erniaernia April 2010
    why does package sane-backends contains /var/lock/sane too?
    does it make sense?
  • kultexkultex April 2010
    ernia, there was a discussion here:

    but it seems, that it had fallen asleep ...

    the adresses are:

    for any packages on the LiveCD:

    the rest:

    but you have to be added to the list of contributors to write ...
  • jozeejozee April 2010

    You can file the bug on slitaz labs issue tracker for any project (core pkgs, packages, tools, distro etc). This is how we want it. One place where we can track the bugs and feature request.

    If you assign the bug to one of the developers, the email is directly sent to that person. So, rest assured that somebody will read about your bug. However, as the SliTaz association doesnot have enough funds to support even 1 full time member, you need to be patient before the bug is resolved. Sometimes, we fix the issue in background but we forget to close the bug.

    If you know the solution to a bug filed, please update the issue and let us know. We need the community support as much as possible.
  • erniaernia April 2010
    ok, jozee. i've asked because i've seen work about get-virtualbox bug and a did not receive the relative mail, so i though that the bug has not be catched in slitaz labs but in the forum.
    BTW, is there something like a donate link somewhere?
  • jozeejozee April 2010
    ernia, get-virutalbox was fixed by eric :
  • erniaernia April 2010
    if i'm not wrong the link you gave me in previous post is the diff between the two .u patch files, so in this diff at line 1.8 there should be ++patch -p1 <<'EOT' to get the final installer.u having +patch -p1 <<'EOT' and the final get-virtualbox script having patch -p1 <<'EOT' at line 63.<br />instead the current has patch -p1 at lines 10 which i think leads to nothing.
  • erniaernia April 2010
    i'm moving my first step with tazwok. first command:
    root@slitaz:/home/tux# tazwok cook get-virtualbox
    Checking for build dependencies...

    Starting to cook get-virtualbox...
    No compile rules for get-virtualbox...

    Building get-virtualbox with the receipt...
    missing header for unified diff at line 3 of patch
    patching file get-virtualbox
    patch: **** malformed patch at line 10: patch -p1 <<'EOT'</b>

    while the patch is not applied at all virtualbox seems to work...

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