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"What's the best lightweight Linux distro?" (tuxradar article)
  • ToffToff April 2010
    Here is a link to this tuxradar article mentioning slitaz :
  • jozeejozee April 2010
    Yes, a similar article is also published in the April issue of a top linux magazine: linuxformat ( They have ranked SliTaz at the top.

    If somebody is wondering, why SliTaz has a low ranking in distrowatch. We had a nice discussion among the developers recently on this topic. The simple answer is that we haven't been releasing cooking version that often. We have realized that distrowatch ranking criteria, statistically speaking, is biased against the rolling-release models. Distrowatch counts the average number of hits per day per IP address on their website. So, if you have rolling-release model and you don't release often, you will lack behind. Its infact amazing that we are in the top 40 given we were on the top page 3 times last year (since April 2009).
  • monzmonz April 2010
    I have been using SliTaz since the very beginning of release 1.0 (March 2008), and it quickly became my favorite Linux distro. I read Distrowatch regularly, and have been watching SliTaz in the rankings, and have been happy to see it rise in position from around 150 a year ago to the _top 20_ recently! ... the Distrowatch rankings can be set for various time-frames, and getting a listing for the "past 7 days" right around the end of March (the time of Stable 3.0 release) put it around number 12!
  • kultexkultex April 2010
    jozee, thats an important information - I was all the time wondering how distrowatch counts, but to lazy to find it out.

    Until now I did not know, what could be the reason, that my provider brakes the connection three times a day and I get three different IP adresses. The same does my 3G USB dongle. Its just to bring SliTaz on place 1 in Distrowatch. I did not know, that Telekom Austria is so prospective.

    So this should be the homepage of the browser (beside the slitaz forum): ??? - lets try!!!!

    and by the way - I think we - the users - new this before linuxformat and tuxradar, that Slitaz is the best. But I want to repeat jozees words some days before: "Feel free to add to slitaz wiki. That's what we (the devs) want". We - the users - get a marvelous OS - yes, its free, but I think it should not be for nothing

    first: we have to make a new homepage for our browser
    second: thats the wiki address:

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