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how to install open office 3.2?
  • gabakgabak March 2010
    i want to install it and the installer it does nt seem to work .
    it send me to type something in the command mode and i dont know how to use it .
    i know debian aptitude install openo-office , etc.
    what is the sentence that i should use?
  • RuppRupp March 2010
    tazpkg get-install get-OpenOffice3

    This the second app you have asked for I am gonna show you how to search. From terminal to find things issue this command if you have problems in the future:
    tazpkg search app

    Or you could use the tazpkg GUI to search. It is available in the menu's somewhere. I prefer the terminal command so that is why I mentioned it.
    Replace "app" with what you are looking for. Great link here to answer most common questions:


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