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Problem:slitaz 2.0: WLAN open network
  • funkturmfunkturm March 2010
    Hello all,

    i use an ASUS eee 1101 HA with slitaz 2.0. The WLAN works fine.

    I have now an open network at a hotel.

    With the slitaz - Network Manager i can't connect to this open network. I see all Networks near the Hotel (same as with other Linux systems).

    I think the problem is behind table and chair. Did someone know the todo to connect a wireless network without WEP / WPA?

    Thanks for your help.
    Best regards Christian
  • GokhlayehGokhlayeh March 2010
    Hi Christian,

    I'm not using 2.0 but we recently fix a bug wich prevent to connect to unencrypted access point in cooking. Can you post here the part of you're /etc/init.d/ wich is between

    if the bug is the same I will give you a fixed and report the bug.

    You can try to open the connection manually with
    iwconfig wlan0 essid name_of_the_access-point
    where wlan0 is the name of you're interface and name_of_the_access-point the name in letter (with good case)
  • mojomojo March 2010
    To find "name_of_the_access-point"

    iwlist wlan0 scan

    Listed as ESSID:"name_of_the_access-point"

    Open if Encryption key : off

    Associate to open access point

    iwconfig wlan0 essid "name_of_the_access-point"

    Request i.p. address after associated

    udhcpc -i wlan0

    with GUI if slitaz-2.0 or test cooking

    subox wifibox

    Networks tab, click Refresh List if necessary, dbl click listed open network to connect.

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