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Customized Slitz for USB
  • ma01ma01 March 2010
    I am working on an application which is being developed in wxPython and C plus using linux core utilities and network support. To be more specific, I only need the following support for following packages/softwares/components.

    * wxPython
    * C
    * Network Support
    * Linux Utilities
    o Vi
    o File System(sfdisk/fdisk/parted, ntfsprogs etc)
    o Basic(cp, mount/umount, mkdir etc)

    The application will run from a live CD. Currently i am using Fedora 12 with Gnome for live CD. Currently the size of live image is around 350 MB. The size of application is hardly 1 MB.

    I don't need anything else except above mentioned. Just my application and supporting packages, no desktop etc.

    So, I need a Lightweight Linux image as smaller as possible providing all the above mentioned packages/components.

    I checked the SliTz stable version and most of the above components are available, but didn't found wxPython.

    Is wxPython available? If no, then whats the right way to get wxPython on Slitz?

    Any ideas/suggestions?

  • jozeejozee March 2010
    You can compile it using the receipt format. Both wxwidgets and python are available. This should not be too difficult. Read Slitaz cookbook.

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