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how to save your configurations
  • p4r4ait3p4r4ait3 March 2010
    how do you save your changes so i can make a user and save all my apps and stuff
  • moulefritemoulefrite March 2010
    it's easy,

    I suppose that u want to save your stuff under a Live session ? Then, look at the menu that is offer you once you want to shut down u computer . You have to compress your current live session in a rootfs.gz (which is the main inner-file in a slitaz iso)

    Never done it , so , give a feed-back
  • mojomojo March 2010
    Must first install to writeable drive with tazusb from either the burned
    slitaz cd with gen-liveusb or slitaz.iso with gen-iso2usb to have the shutdown create rootfs.gz option.

    tazusb writefs can be used at anytime to create a new rootfs.gz

    Livecds are great for rescue, testing hardware, test drive distro's.While the clever methods of persistance are interesting I prefer the full install.Whatever is done persists with no intervention on the users part.Compressing a 30mb filesystem at best takes a couple of minutes on a dual-core 2 ghz computer,on an old 1ghz athlon it takes almost 5 minutes. I'm a power user,this slows me down too much.

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