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tazusb and home in rootfs
  • erniaernia March 2010
    I know that i'm supposed to mount my liveusb partition as home, but now i don't want to do it because:
    1) i'm still searching to understand well slitaz and how to encrypt all or part of my data in /home
    2) i really like to boot a pc and put my usbkey in my pocket leaving the os loaded
    So i'm using a liveusb key with /home in the rootfs and everytime i save the rootfs with "tazusb writefs lzma" i
    copy the new rootfs in the boot directory of my usbkey.
    After some failed autologins i found out that /usr/bin/tazusb does not save the files in /home.
    I've modified it to my needs:
    		# Create list of files
    find /bin /etc /init /sbin /var /dev /lib /root /usr >/tmp/list

    #if home is on a device don't save it, if it's in rootfs save it
    if /bin/mount | /bin/grep -q home; then
    echo /home >> /tmp/list
    find /home >> /tmp/list

    for dir in /proc /sys /tmp /mnt /media /media/cdrom /media/flash /media/usbdisk
    echo $dir >>/tmp/list

    When i finally will make up my mind on where to put /home on a device i will mount the device somewhere, copy there the files in /home, remount it in /home and save the rootfs.
    If someone else should be interested...

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